Yoga Nidra And Lifestyle Choices


The most difficult thing we do as human beings is change our lifestyle. Does this sound odd?

I don't know about you but that's my experience in the office. It's very tough for us to change gears and do something different with respect to lifestyle.

"I always have a nice big banana with my cereal in the morning," says Mr Kapha with a gleeful chortle, seeing his mouth beginning to salivate.

"Not good," says the energy science approach to nutrition.

"But I want my banana," hearing some unmistakable sobs.

"Ok, Ok, have the banana, just stop crying." Theatrics always gets 'em.

Now we can substitute "banana" with tomato, pork, raw food or, get ready, a cup of "joe". Or I always eat my biggest meal at 10pm. Or use a churan? "Hold on here, whatcha trying to do to me, ruin my life."

Frivolity aside, I think we need help with lifestyle choice. Ask any doctor how much success he has had with getting people to change habits.

Most will say poor results or even worse, "I have stopped trying."

So why is it we resist change so much? The underpinning is fear.

"Fear of what," we ask with some tremor in our voices.

All kinds of imaginary ones for sure. And they emanate from deeeep psychic unconscious roots, so difficult to uproot.

Enter, da dah, yoga nidra! "What the hay?"

Yoga nidra or guided meditation creates a deep feeling of stillness of the mindbody and in that stillness can be dropped an intention, "Stop eating bananas." Or whatever our intention may be.

This is a powerful energy science technique for crafting better lifestyle choices. And we definitely need this kind of help because what we are doing right now ain't workin' so well.

To seeking and achieving abundance and grace in life         Love DrBill

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