Nutrition and Strings

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The reigning model of healing today can be described as a matter or molecular science for it is consumed with the measurement and observation of molecules either for diagnosis of disease or for nutrition. The matter field model of seeing our world came from Newtonian physics which saw our world as a well oiled machine, much as we view the human biology today

Biologic Energy Science

One hundred years ago Einstein with his famous equation E=mc2 stated that there was another dimension of life and that matter and energy were completely interchangeable. That what was matter was energy and what was energy was matter. With that simple but elegant observation of the world, Einstein’s theory catapulted the scientific world into new fields of science which led to such accomplishments as a moon landing and computers.

But our current biologic model and its healing tradition is still mired in 19th century thinking. And to view the mindbody as an energy field to complement the current matter science thinking seems like we would have to create an entirely new discipline.

Fortunately there are ancient energy science disciplines such as the Traditional Oriental Medicine and the Ayurvedic models that gift us what we currently need. With them we can integrate the matter and energy science healing disciplines that will morph into a complete system of healing that we very much need.

Where’s the Science?

The challenge for acceptance of such a radical view that the human biology is both an energy and matter field will come from many fronts but the fact is that the contemporary physics worldview fully supports this amalgamation of matter and energy.

Presently physics is attempting to unify all the energies of Nature through a theory of everything and for the last 20 years has been discussing a way to marry the particle or matter side of reality with the energy side.  The best explanation is string theory, that is, at a subatomic level our world that we experience including our own physical mindbody is composed of 10 strings oscillating in dual dimensions.

The energy science of Ayurveda describes the universe as 10 pairs of opposites.  These pairs of opposites such as hot/cold, heavy/light, subtle/gross, actually become the footprints of the energy world that we experience as the sensory biological world.

As a theory of everything, string theory merges us with Nature herself. Through these 10 pairs of opposites we can come to realize that we are linked to the foods that we use to nourish ourselves, that there is no difference between us and a piece of broccoli because we share the same qualities.

Nutrition as an Energy Science

The energy science concept of disease is different from the matter science view which labels problems. Cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and acid indigestion are labels we place on physiologic derangements that need to be fixed or corrected either by surgery or pharmaceutical manipulation.

The energy science view of disease sees these matter science disease labels as physiologic imbalance of specific energy patterns. So cancer is an imbalance in a particular organ where all three energy patterns that form the energy mindbody accumulate in excess. Over time an alteration of normal cellular architecture occurs that we come to recognize in its late stages as cancer. Late implies that it takes literally decades for a cancer to manifest ant that it started as a simple imbalance in the energy field.

So here is the link between what we eat and disease produced. Disease from an energy science view is an imbalance in qualities that are expressions of the biologic energy field. If we take in foods rich in the quality of hot by consuming tastes of sour and salty, then we experience heartburn or acid indigestion, a sign of too much of the hot quality.

The matter science nutritional information leads us to believe that the mindbody has become in some way short of a particular molecule and that by supplementation with the molecule we correct the inherent biochemical weakness and we will be healthier. There is no doubt some truth in this way of thinking but it obstructs us from having a deeper understanding of the mechanism of disease.

Energy Science Nutrition and Prevention

What the energy science is gifting us if we are willing to pay attention is a system of prevention. Currently we do not have a system of prevention; we have a early detection and treatment system of health. And it does heal a lot of people with serious disease.

But the reality is this. Disease begins at the first signs of imbalance, not when the blood sugar is sky high, the cancerous colonic polyp is found, or the high PSA leads to the diagnosis of prostate cancer. 

When we begin to realize that foods are us and that they create physiologic imbalances due to our unconscious choices we have begun a journey to healing our mindbodies at a deeper level than can ever be reached by molecular supplementation.

And it is not an either or process here and inclusivity is the rule. The matter and energy sciences of healing both have great relevance for us as we go forward into the 21st century. 


Through contemporary physics with its search for a unifying theory of everything through string theory, light is shed on the gift that the energy sciences of healing have always had to share with us. By understanding that qualities are the footprints of the subtle biologic energy field we can begin to understand not only the biological origins of disease but we can usher into our healing traditions a true system of disease prevention.  

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How Much To Eat

Eating Beautiful Girl

There is an energy science rule of thumb for volume of food for nutrition needed at any one meal: what you can hold in 2 hands is equal to two thirds of the stomach capacity

This leads to one being comfortable at a level 6  The scale is 1 being so hungry you would eat cardboard and 10 being so stuffed it hurts  It also leaves one-third of the stomach empty so that churning of the food ingested can be mixed with stomach acidity and enzymes

The Measurement and Health 

So that's volume  What about calories? 

Again from an energy science view it's not so much the calories as the types of foods according to one's mindbody makeup

There is such an incessant need these days to count calories which is a carryover of our matter science  But when we measure everything, from weight to calories to cholesterol and PSA, we do a dangerous thing

We delude ourselves that if the measurement is within normal limits that we are healthy

From an energy science view, this just isn't so

The New Measure of Health

So how do we determine if we are healthy from an energy science view?

There are many parameters  Here are a few to think about

            How do you feel?  OMG, that's ridiculous say matter scientists! But in reality if we wake up in the morning feeling crummy, not a good sign of health

            How's the elimination?  Bowel activity, urination should be consistently easy and regular

            How's the appetite? Too strong and voracious, irregular, or lousy and forced to eat?

            How active is the mind? Is there too much chatter? Do fears run the life? dHow's sleep and dreams?

            Are you happy for no reason?

The energy science provides guidelines by which we can over time reach such a state of health  It's worth the journey!

Until tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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The Body Listening to Tastes

As we have talked about in the past the mind and body are intimately spliced  We cannot separate them  Sounds nice, but what does this mean practically?

Several things, let's enumerate some basic principles

            A thought effects the entire physical body, eg I feel tired as a thought is heard by the body and lo and behold the physical body feels tired, depressed or whatever the thought

            Conversely if the thought is uplifting, eg I feel great, flexible etc, the physical body feels that way  To and fro conversation, soooo…. we should watch our mind chatter and get rid of "stinking thinking"

            When we take in food, the tastes send messages to the mindbody  The sweet taste sends the message of calm, sour movement, salty courage, pungent enthusiasm, bitter introverted, astringent grounding

So the mindbody is listening to what we are ingesting and is influenced psychologically and physically to what the tastes are that are being eaten

What kind of implication does this have for us?

We should taste our medicine for one thing, that is, herbs that are ingested should be tasted  Why? Greater physiological impact

Taking a pill is nice but its impact is devoid of the taste  We have become such a society of pill takers that this concept is quite foreign to the majority of us

But if we believe that we are a mindbody that is energetically intimately spliced then we cannnot not want to taste the physiologic impact of our medicine

Does that mean that we should take our pharmaceuticals and grind them up so we can taste them? 


Until tomorrow                                             To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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How To Make Good Decisions

We all want to make good decisions in our lives but would it not be surprising to us to say that "It depends on our state of balance?"

Matter Science Decison Making

To make good decisions from a matter science view we must be robustly linear, that is, we need to gather all the facts and come to a rational decision  This is the proven logical way

But I would submit that many decisions if not all are based on our intuition  Yes, we do indeed gather the facts but in the end after putting it all together we create an intuitive sense about what to do next

This latter way of decision making is based not on a matter science way of thinking(deductive) but on an energy science level of thinking(inductive)  Energy science thinking goes beyond styles of thinking  It goes to the heart of the thinking process, that is, by feeling what the decision should be

Feeling a Good Decision

So we feel what is the right thing to do  That seems clear  But the next question is more important

If my sense of making decisions is flawed how can I make it better?

We make decisions in real time not in the past or in the future  Our energy field mindbody is only as good in decision making as in the present moment

We have spoken a good deal about balance in the past  Balance is the energy science's way of being in the state of health  If we are out of balance we are unhealthy

Balance Is the Key To Effective Decision Making

A state of poor health potentially makes poor decisions and a state of good health makes better decisons  More effective decisions, whether that decision is about paying off a loan, taking out the garbage, or asking someone to marry you

So our health is directly responsible to whether we make intuitively better decisions, decisions with clarity, decisions that portend to good results in the future

And how do we improve our health and therefore our decision making  It begins with nutrition  See how to get started at

Until tomorrow                                                          To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Spot Supplementation

The argument goes, "Our soils are depleted, hence our foods are depleted, and therefore we are depleted of the food riches that our ancestors had back when  Furthermore one can assess the nutritional lifestyle choices and make a case for supplements as well"

So nowadays we feel compelled to take supplements to take care of those apparent deficiencies  But it begs the question what are we missing?

We can monitor much of the molecular constituency of the mindbody physiology so levels of vitamins, minerals, metals can be determine their levels through blood levels, hair samples(for metals), and measuring outputs from stool and urine

So much of  this data available to us that it would make sense that we will use this information for ourselves in deciding what supplements to take

The days of the mutivitamin is limited and I predict that we will be much more specific about how we "supplement" ourselves particularly becasue of the expense

One can make the argument that there is an ongoing need for some supplements such as omega 3, 6, and 9, such that we should supplement routinely with flax seed oil or fish oil 

But trace elements and particularly biochemical "mainstays" readily made by the mindbody will not have to be supplemented

And from an energy science view certain supplements will be protective such as aloe  Even though the mindbody can make the constituents of aloe, in the end aloe is hard for the mindbody to make it so it makes sense that supplementation is helpful

Hence supplements will play a role for us but with molecular information from the matter science world we will be able to be more precise

Until tomorrow                                                       To health as a Skill Love DrBill


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