Nutrition and Monitoring the Effects of Food

Healthy HabitsNutrition is more than diet  Diet is a molecular assessment of foods ingested (how many carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins)  It does not take into account who is taking the foods in, does not evaluate the affect that foods have on you, and does not take into account the strength of your digestion  In short diet does not factor you into the equation  In diet the only observations made is whether foods cause weight gain and molecular disturbances (obsession with fats, cholesterol, fructose)  And there is nothing incorrect about the molecular dietary approach   It's just that nutrition is so much more


Nutrition evaluates energetically who is taking the foods, whether the foods are balancing for the body, evaluates the strength of the metabolism through the assessment of appetite, examines the physiologic effects of foods, and in every step it's a discipline to bring you along in the feeding of your body by monitoring bodily functions

Because nutrition is about not only the consumption of a type of food and whether it brings about balance in the physiology, but also about when to take the biggest meal of the day, how to pay attention to how the mindbody feels after eating (is there congestion in the back of the throat with dairy ingestion, do I have heartburn after eating? do I feel sluggish with little energy?), attention to why we are eating(perhaps emotional ones), or following the simple directive of always sitting to allow ourselves to focus on the activity of eating

Nutrition and Bowel Function

So now that we have taken in the food, how does gut feel about that food? Is there loose stool after eating? Does a bowel movement occur after eating? Or is there no bowel movement for the the day or even for 2 or 3 days? A normal bowel pattern is a morning movement after drinking water and then a bowel movement 2 hours after eating. We should have at least one stool per day being formed and soft like a banana, at times fragmenting when it hits the water. The form is important and viewed at Stools should float and not sink. If they sink, it is a sign of stagnant energy in the GI tract. And there should be no aroma. If there is, harmful bacteria exist in the colon that shouldn't be there. Improving digestive fire would be a partial solution by using probiotic for an extended period of time(1-2 years-freshly made yogurt, kefir) and use of chlorella.

Often the change in bowel activity can be related to the alteration in eating pattern. If we are fasting then it would be obvious that the bowel pattern or rhythm would change. Provoking bowel activity with foods or emotions is a common reason for alteration in pattern. Diarrhea, that is any stool that is looser than a formed soft stool, can occur due to unexpressed fear, or ingested foods that lead to the overabundance of the sour, salty or pungent tastes

Colonic Function and Nutrition

If the colon is not functioning properly constipation or diarrhea is the result 

Using triphala is a a great way to help not only colon function but the entire gut function  If constipated titratng up from a 0.5 tsp to where you have a stool everyday is a good start  It's best to use the powder form of herbs You can make a tea by boiling the herb for 5 min, strain and drink or just take it straight up with a water chaser

Alternate nostrill breathing(ANB) is a way to help settle the mindbody and produce a bowel movement. This time honored breathing technique should link the breath with the process of having a bowel movment using exhalation with the downward evacuation of the lower colon. Even if you're having regular bowel activity, it would be fun to experiment with the technique. If not familiar with ANB, you can google it.

Lastly a bidet like device is helpful to clean the anal area after stooling. Simple to use and easy to install it's very useful. You can google or go to http://www.thebidetsolution

Until next time       To Health as a Skill         DrB

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“Oh, he thinks the molecules do it!”

Energized man 10.21.09A friend of mine is a well trained matter field physician in the field of endocrinology having received training at several prestigious centers in the US and abroad. Due to the unique nature of the discipline he found himself drawn to explore the energy field of the mindbody.

In one of his sojourns he found himself speaking to a group of energy field physicians on how certain hormones interact with receptor sites in the body.

It was a series of talks and each time he found a sea of puzzled faces as he carefully took them through the molecular workings of the physiology of the endocrine system.

The third discussion led to the same returning polite group of puzzled faces. He repititiously and earnestly went over the information to explain his molecular material. At the break he saw one of the participants turn to his friends and exclaim, "Oh, I get it! He thinks the molecules do it!"

The story describes two perspectives, both valid.  But what if, just what if, we could entertain both viewpoints. Why you ask? The most important reason is that there is a system of prevention in the energy field work. And I believe we are all after how to prevent dis-ease.

The reason that the energy science can be a system of prevention is because it understands the origin of disease which the matter science discipline will never be able to do, simply because all disease begins in the energy field and percolates up into the matter field to be expressed   This is the important difference in the two disciplines and why the energy field discipline is so vital to our health as we go forward 

To Health as a Skill         Love DrBill

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