Planetary Health: What Does It Mean for Your Own Health

 bigstock_Colorful_Earth_1825892Does it seem strange that we can impact the ills of our Mother Earth by improving our own health? From an energy perspective this totally makes sense

Mother Earth is our extended mindbody from an energy perspective because it is not just "my energy field". You and I are part of a greater energy field, Mother Earth and this larger energy field is part of an even greater energy field, the Milky Way and that is part of the larger galactal systems of the visible universe

But here locally on planet earth we do indeed have unarguable challenges Global warming, climacteric convulsions such as tsunamis and overpopulation and starvation would come to mind but you get the drift Our planet is getting sick and we are intimately responsible

Witness the finding of an island of plastic located in the South Pacific, the finding of DDT in artic waters or high levels of mercury in artic animals Our pollution on the planet by our dominating population of our species is creating significant dis-ease or imbalance for our Mother Earth

OK, we say, we'll start recycling! We will eat organic and stop the pesticides And I'll even get a fuel efficient vehicle

What else can we do that would be impactful? Well, we could balance our own physiologies From an energetic standpoint, it makes little sense to recycle if we are not willing to take care of our own health The health of the planet is dependent on the health of the individuals who inhabit it. It is an undeniable conclusion from a mindbody point of view

So as JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" We can paraphrase and say, "Ask not what I can get from Mother Earth Ask what I can do to heal my dearest loving Mother who has given me so much"

And one of the greatest gifts we can give our loving Mother is to be energetically healthy and in balance That is true love my friends. DrBill

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Fibromyalgia signsAs part of the IC bladder pain syndrome fibromyalgia(FM) is a common(along with vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, IBS, GERD) It's estimated that 25% of people with IC have complicating FM but that percentage is probably much higher than the estimate because many with IC have some symptoms of FM but don't meet the strict criteria for diagnosis Nonetheless the associated symptoms of FM make the IC syndrome difficult to manage

Fibromyalgia as a Disease Label

More women than men are affected and the symptoms may be unilateral(on just one side)....usually more on the right side due to the competitive nature of the person affected The symptoms are muscular in origin and don't come from the joint itself but from muscles around the joint called the periarticular muscles It was called muscular rheumatism because of the confusion with the joint disease label of rheumatoid arthritis which is a true joint autoimmune disorder

The sed rate as a measure of inflammation is normal Symptoms are triggered by cold damp weather; worse in the evening and at sunrise and sunset mimicing rheumatoid arthritis

When there is poor posture people are prone to sprains in ligaments and tendons There is generally poor muscle tone due to lack of exercise due to pain It's associated with the overweight condition and sciatica is common although it's not a condition dependent on diagnosis

Frozen shoulder or tennis elbow are common presenting symptom complexes as well as costochondritis from pendular breast tissue One has to think of the diagnosis even with isolated carpal tunnel syndrome

To make a diagnosis according to the American Rheumatology Association(ARA) there must be 16 of 18 trigger points involved This may not be the case often times and hence the above skewing of the percentage involvement Interestingly all the trigger points used by the ARA are marma points and associated with the colon, respiratory or water channels of the energy body There are other points described that are not necessarily trigger points but are called tender points such as the deltoid, biceps/triceps, and subscapularis

The Energy Science Understanding

Not surprisingly FM arises like IC from the colon and the disseminated qualities of hot and mobile find defective energetic spaces in the muscle tissue layer of the body Due to the mobile quality there is a tendency for one trigger point to become affected, only for another area to become affected later This migratory symptom complex of FM makes it very characteristic among myalgias

Since the colon is the seat of emotions in the energy body mind is often involved and mental toxicity is the result This must be taken into consideration in management of individual patients There is often erratic digestion in FM cases consistent with the colonic origin and an IBS like picture may be the result

5 Ways to Deal with FM Symptoms

#1 Ginger Baking Soda bath....1/3cup of dry ginger and 1/3cup of baking soda in a warm tub of water Soak for 20minutes

#2 Marma or accupressure can be very effective but the touch should be light...using mahanaryan or nutmeg oil to points when doing therapy can be helpful

#3 Herbal formulas according to the individual can be supportive to healing

#4 Nutrition according to energy constitutional makeup(see

#5 Guided yoga asana practice to involve the marma points is generally good Exercise and pranayama are good to add to this asana regiment(deep breathing releases endorphins)

Autoimmune FM

In probably 20% of cases of FM there is an autoimmune component These cases are harder to treat but the treatment protocol is basically the same but the herbal protocol will vary

All the best in your healing journey Dr Bill

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3 Ways to Cool Off During the Summer Months

bigstock_Science_Neon_Physics_3008872From this famous equation we are told that energy and matter simultaneously coexist   What is matter is energy, what is energy is matter  Biologically that means that your body is both and an energy and matter fields  This fundamental law of Nature is important because it shifts the way we think about healing the body

Currently using the allopathic model we have a disease detection and treatment's not built for a system of prevention  It's like trying to drive a Model T in a Formula One race classic like the Indianapolis 500  But this is the 21st century and consumers of health care are finding that their visits  to the doc aren't cutting it any more They're looking for a Formula One race car and getting  a Model T

Wave or Particle View of the Human Body

Everything that we observe whether it's our body or the world around us can be viewed as either a wave or a particle When it's a particle we see the world as reassuringly solid and palpable From this world view we see things around as molecules; but when the world is seen as a wave our view changes The world is seen as vibrating pulsating energy

These vibrational frequencies are identified as money, struggles, obstructions to what we want, the passion of life itself Biologically vibrational frequencies are what make us up as an identifiable body in space

In the allopathic medical tradition measurement of molecules or their molecular arrangement is how disease is both detected and serves as a monitor for the effectiveness in treatment In contrast in the energy science medical disciplines imbalances that lead to disease is based on a disturbance of vibrational frequencies in the body called qualities

As I've written in the past the qualities prominent in the IC bladder pain syndrome are hot and mobile(of the total of 20 contrasting qualities, eg hot and cold, mobile and static, heavy and light etc) So in all diseases these qualities play important roles in the disease process

The Hot Quality of Summer

So from the above it would not be surprising that hot weather is problematic for IC You see, the quality that affects the physiology from a energy science perspective doesn't have to be ingested If you are exposed to hot weather the energy body absorbs that quality as if you ingested it

The difference between ingesting the hot quality and being environmentally exposed to hot is that when ingested that hot qualitya remains with you to be processed over a 35 day period whereas if you're simply exposed to the quality and its effect goes away after exposure

But what happens if you work in a hot kitchen for your occupation Then day in and day out, week after week, month after month the hot quality exposure is consistent and persistent Then over time it will be like you're ingesting the hot quality every day and indeed it will have a physiologic impact

Compounding Influence of Qualities

So you feel pretty good after that cup of coffee so no big deal....didn't have any influence on you, right? Well, the energy science would say that anything that is taken in has an effect and that there is a compounding effect that takes place when coffee is taken, hot weather is thrown into the equation, perhaps a cheeseburger with ketchup,etc etc This compounding effect produces the flares

You see, it's not just one choice that brings about the flare but a multitude of choices that go back 35 days That's why it's actually quite fallacious to say that the choice made yesterday caused the flare today The flare is actually the cumulative body response of many different choices that have been made over at least the last month

And this doesn't take into consideration the level of the say the hot quality in the body before the ingestion Say the level of the hot quality is a 5 and it takes a 10 to get a flare Well then, you have a cushion You could do a number of different things to provoke and not get a flare until you reach 9 then the hot day is the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back

Lastly for some the flares for the above reasons don't occur during the hot time of year They occur after the summer mounting up time and in the fall one is more predisposed to the flare It's much like the spring cold which is just a physiologic release of all the buildup of the heavy qualities that developed during the winter months

Staying Cool

1 The obvious is not to expose yourself to heat unnecessarily, whether it be at the beach, work, or at home Look for ways to cool off your local environment

2 Pay close attention to what foods y0u are taking in during the summer months( and particularly use cooling foods such as fresh cilantro or coconut

3 Use cooling herbs such as mint, cumin, coriander, fennel, turmeric, wintergreen in cooking foods

Just being aware of the hot quality can go a long ways to prevent buildup of the hot quality and the flares it produces

To Health as a Skill DB

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The Medicinal Properties of Ghee

Last week I wrote about various cooking oils that when used according to your energy constitutional makeup will bring you closer to balance and harmony But there is one cooking oil that can be used by everyone anytime (except in moderation for PK people) This cooking oil comes from unsalted butter, has a very high burning point(technically it's called smoke point), and best of all is highly medicinal As a matter of fact it is a cornerstone in energy science therapies to heal all diseases

Ghee: A Healthy Home Is Incomplete Without

Remember when we were young and there was the rare treat of having lobster? Growing up in the Midwest it was an unusual happening but ....

bigstockphoto_Lobster_dinner_5387814What about that golden liquid butter that they served with the lobster for dipping? The menu said it was clarified butter but all I remember was that it was gooood with the lobster Now the journey with clarified butter has come full circle and I understand it with a different perspective

From an energy science nutritional view clarified butter is named ghee and it's not just melted butter The clarification process frees the butter of the harmful fatty acids which are cooked out of the unsalted butter that you begin with Literally the fatty acids are cooked out and you find them at the bottom of the cooking vessel as a slimy, oily, heavy, static, soft, slow/dull, liquid goo Why would anyone want to put that into their mindbodies?

But what's left is actually medicine A food that is the oily essence of milk and with the fatty acids removed the ama producing qualities of butter go with it That is, the slimy, heavy, static, soft, slow/dull, and liquid qualities are removed

The medicinal properties of ghee are extraordinary It stimulates digestive fire, oleates the GI tract hence improving function, penetrates all the tissue layers of the mindbody within twenty four hours, and can serve as an excellent vehicle in proper circumstances to deliver herbs to all tissue layers of the body

The matter science nutritional literature is devoid of understanding the power of this type of food preparation because of its molecular approach to foods and diet  The mindbody is a richer reality than a sophisticated collection of molecules

The Preparation of Ghee

Here's a link: ...... that beautifully takes you through a pictorial step by step process in ghee's preparation Pay attention to the last couple of steps so you don't burn the ghee

But it's a very simple process to do at home and much less expensive than buying it prepared

The wonderful thing about making your own ghee is that it gets you involved If you've been a member of this energy science community for long you know that I'm all about having you take responsibility for your own healing Healing doesn't live in a pill or a magic procedure

No, healing lies in your participation This is pivotal if you want to heal any disease from an energy science point of view

Detoxification and Ghee

As I have written earlier one of the aspects of healing is detoxification That is, removing ama from the GIT as well as the peripheral deep tissues and channels The urinary tract is a channel and as I have alluded to earlier is responsive to detoxification quite easily Since ghee has similar properties to ama(undigested unprocessed food) which is a result of poor digestive strength(the energy science term for this is agni) when it penetrates tissues energetically it loosens the ama in the tissue and brings it back to the GIT for elimination

So ghee as an internal oleation food is central to the detoxification process if you are so inclined to take on such work But I would have to say that detoxification is a primary energy science procedure

To health as a skill Love DrBill

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