Cooling Off Hot Emotions


My wife has a way with the sweet taste that is quite interesting because it has to do with using it in relationships

She learned it as a technique growing up and though she doesn't talk about it in terms of the sweet taste it is indeed energetically what is being used

For example if confronted with hot, light, and mobile temper of a grumpy individual the use of the sweet taste having the qualities of cold, heavy, static oily smooth and gross can be quite illuminating

Energetically emotions and interactions in relationships with people carry the same qualities as we have and use in interactions with food and nutrition Quick give that heat a candy bar!

Understanding this is helpful For example a hot fiery Pitta would best not confront another hot Pitta as the hot quality just gets hotter 

So intuitively when hot is sensed my wife turns on the sweet big time If it is not working well she uses her Vata coping strategy which is bolt or run away And this can take on various patterns of behavior

We can see then that our relationship with people and those with taste and foods are completely similar and energetically we can see why Energy science nutrition in action!

Have you ever seen sweetness played out in your relationships? Have you consciously used sweetness to get yourself out of a jam in a relationship? Or have you had someone do the sweet taste to you energetically?

Until tomorrow                                                       To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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