Diet versus Nutrition


The word "diet" has a beginning, a middle and and an end, over a specified time of weight loss It has become a dysfunctional eating behavior

To me this concept is a disservice to us because it makes this transient shift in eating pattern, the diet, just that, transient; a more meaningful approach must supplant it

Diet has a goal; a timeline associated with it And if the mindbody doesn't cooperate then we are disappointed and bummed out And of course, all the self judgements and criticisms that go along with it

What about all the "pain" going through the "diet"? Who wants to repeat that process over and over again over a lifetime?

What I'm lobbying for is a genuine shift in nutrition An energy science nutritional system that gives us all the information to make a lifestyle change in how we approach the process we call nourishment

We don't currently have a system of nutrition that encompasses lifestyle We presently struggle with molecular facts about foods Are poptarts nourishing or not? Vitamin D, omega 3, 6, and 9, lycopene etc

I ask the simple question,  "What does eating our biggest meal of the day or enhancing digestive fire have to do with anything about the molecular facts of the foods ingested?" Yet these are as important from an energy science nutritional approach as is molecular facts

Our system of nutrition that we are currently using needs help And it requires that we look at a system of nutrition not diet off again on again

Have you ever dieted? Have you "rebounded" after coming off the diet? Did you feel confused and frustrated that in somehow what was taking place was futile?

Until tomorrow                                                              To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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