IPA And The Bitter Taste


I was over at my daughter and son-in-law's house for Hannah's third birthday and Seth's brother brought over a couple of microbrews one of which was an IPA

Very tasty and hoppy but it suddenly struck me how healthy it was from an energy science view

IPA deliver a whallop of the bitter taste through the increased amount of hops used  in their brewing that give them their unique flavor

India Pale Ale(IPA) has become an interesting segment of the microbrew scene and make a great deal of medicinal sense because the bitter taste predominates

The bitter taste as we reviewed a couple of months ago is commonly missing in our cooking and foods so to supplement is a great idea

As a matter of fact many of the recent health food adjustments that I'm seeing in the food industry make complete sense from an energy science view Yeasted bread is not favorable but flatbreads are a great substitute for sandwiches hence wraps are a great idea Sprouted wheat breads are excellent due to their easy digestability Pomegranite juices are now showing up in stores and are excellent for Pitta cooling Yogurt without fruit make a great probiotic food particularly if home made

I could go on for a long time about how we are unconsciously making healthy energy science nutritional choices

I rate IPA's as one of these selected elements in the food industry that appears on the scene and eagerly greeted by the consumer because the consumer knows intuitively that's what it needs

Have you ever sought out a product in the market place on an intuitive basis? How has it made you feel? Do you think that as consumers we search out that which is healthy for us?

Until tomorrow                                                                  To health as a Skill  Love Dr Bill

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