“Are You Really Hungry?”


If we find something on TV that we don't care to view, we switch channels or turn it off

Whether it's TV or nourishing ourselves with food it seems that the same line of reasoning should follow the same line of thinking(who's saying anything should be reasonable?) -if the mindbody isn't interested then don't participate and this includes food

Appetite is our best clue as to when the mindbody is in need of food and is a cardinal sign of our health and aid in guiding us along this path of lifestyle eating behaviors

At times we eat out of routine – I always eat breakfast because that starts me off for the day; due to social circumstances – the party was great but why did I eat, I wasn't really hungry; after work I like to unwind with the family; and the most recent nutritional craze, snacking – why am I eating this snack when I'm not hungry?(because the rule is eat 6 times per day, that's why)

And when observing the appetite, pay attention to how your appetite begins to dwindle as you fill the stomach

If the appetite is treated like a gas gauge of 1-10, we should stop eating when we're a 6 which is about two handfuls

So two things

          1 Eat only when you're have an appetite

          2 Fill up to a 6

Until tomorrow                                                                     To health as a Skill   Love DrBill



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