Burning Through Nutritional Mistakes

Fire Ocean
There is great value in having a strong digestive fire so that we won't be energetically physiologically offended This is the knowledge from energy science nutrition

Summer time, when the Pitta energy pattern is rich in the environment(hot quality), subtley decreases digestive fire so it is not such a good time to challenge ourselves with foods that are in the NO column as seen at foodsheal.com

On the other hand during cold weather, winter time, and in temperate climates , there is a tendency to turn our heat inwards to maintain the core body temperature, leading to stronger digestion

Understanding these concepts allows us to know when we can "get away" with challenging our digestive fire by taking in poor food combinations or those foods that we would normally stay away from

For example, Pitta Kapha(PK) would be best off not ingesting seafood but the winter time would be a good time for PK to do so on an infrequent basis especially if done with a churan

Or ingesting corn or tomato is not such a good selection for Pitta Vata(PV) but again during cold days, in temperate climates, or wintertime, such ingestion would work

Have you noticed your digestion better during seasons of the year? Do you see less symptoms of poor digestive fire during the winter? Have you ever used a churan to enhance digestive fire?

Until tomorrow                                                                  To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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