Nutritional Baby Steps


"Ok, my new resolution: Get in shape!"

And as  new resolutions go, the intention carries the desire If we have conviction and are determined to make it happen, it will Right?

So when we sign up at the athletic club or get our running shoes on, we're now ready to carry out the intention Those initial steps are what I call "baby steps" The beginning of the journey

I believe we all have experienced this in our lives so what I am describing is not new but I think it important to articulate this so we are all on the same page

Because what I am now going to discuss is the expectation of the journey "Are we there yet?," asks your 3 year old child(the mind in this case) "No, not yet," we respond

"Well then, when?", our mind(child) asks

This questionning is not casual It is born out of fear of the unknown And we know how much the mind hates the unknown It wants reassurance and support that everything will be alright

We want to know WHEN we will get to the destination(40 pound weight loss, able to finish a mile jogging, or do the triathalon)

People who physically and mentally train for events understand that each day is another "baby step"

So it is for our nutritional lifestyle and eating behavior intentions Each day we establish what we are willing to do to move ourselves along with another "baby step" It's an evolutionary proces, isn't it?

And, if we are free from fear, we detach from being obliged to reach a specified destination "Hey, I'm on this road because I want to be on this road Maybe I'll switch roads in the future, but for today I'm on this road"

This attitude, not based on giving into the mind's fear, allows us to make our lives a "health evolution"

Have you experienced "baby steps" in your life? Did you see your mind in fear of not knowing how long it would take? Are there things that you did that helped your mind be more comfortable "in not knowing"? Did you think it would have been helpful to have emotional support to overcome the fear?

Until tomorrow                                                    To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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