Nutritional Stashes: Five Ways To Manage


Great for food on the run, these food stashes Located at the desk at the office, or in the car, or around the house, or even vending machines We'll never run out. right! Simple eating behavior patterns

My friend who loves tastes, smells, cooking, and shopping for foods gave me an insight into the unique world of the food stash fetish And all of the above were favorites except for the vending machine, because she used healthy stashes

Now our pockets of foods placed in strategic locations is neither good nor bad but raises an observation worth reflecting on, me thinks

You see, energy science nutrition would advocate that the GI tract needs about six hours between eating so that the digestive process can complete its task as the transit time of a bolus of food is normally 6 big ones

So when the GI tract sees another bolus coming at it, the natural response would be, "Hey, hold on there, I'm not done down here! What do you want me to do? Digest this sandwich or take on the trail mix you just sent down here?"

What happens is a discontinuity of the digestive process, a disharmony in the natural flow of the day in the life of the GI tract And over time will progressively lead to imbalance in the physiology

OK, OK you're going to snack As I said earlier, it's not about right or wrong, just understanding the reasons why not to do it

So let's address what are you snacking on? I think that's a more important question

Nacho cheese chips, carbonated sugar water, candy bars or whatever that's easily accessible We're all busy and maybe the vending machine is our out

What can we do:

            Healthy snacks on the grocery list

            Healthy snacks according to your nutritional format

            Staying away from vending machines

            Trying to focus on parking the main meal of the day at noon when possible

            Attempt to reduce the amount of stashes and snacking done (remember baby steps)

Are you a stasher? How many? Have you ever made the observation that they affect the appetite?

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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