Sabotaging Appetite: Three Ways to Avoid


Whoa, how many ways are there to kill an appetite? Of course the mind is the saw in our cartoon and our friend the appetite is losing her flooring

Contrary towhat  many matter science nutritional experts say, appetite is our very very best friend

But it gets maligned because it's believed that it's responsible for all the bad things that happen to us In reality it's the foods, incompatabilities, and poor digestion, not our appetite, that lay at the heart of our nutritional problems

So appetite is our window to the health of our digestive fire We have blogged many times before about this concept but it's the key to optimal health

Appetite that is neither too strong(can't wait to eat, so hungry I'll eat cardboard) nor too distracted(two or three bites and I'm done) or too weak or slow(symptoms after eating indicating poor ability to digest what was just sent down)

So how do we sabotage our appetite

            At times we can be so busy that we can ignore the appetite and literally not think we are hungry, even though it's 12noon and our mindbody's ready for the experience of food The solution? Begin eating at the regular time and you'll find the appetite is rarin' to go

            Ignoring the appetite by continuing to push through the project at hand even though the mindbody is pleading for nourishment This is akin to avoiding a natural urge to have a bowel movement or urinate because one is too busy Never ignore the mindbody's natural urges

            When eating stay focused on what is at hand rather than distracted with conversation, reading, or whatever, helps steady the appetite and prevents lack of adequate nourishment

Sabotaging a natural urge such as our appetite is a key ingredient to illness It's valuable to take a look

Have you ever noticed that you were a saboteur? Have you found if you sabotaged lunch that you overate at the evening meal? Did you find that missing the noon meal interrupts the natural energy flow of the day?

Until tomorrow                                                To health as a Skill Love DrBill

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