Carbonated Drinks and Acidity


The American pasttime  Carbonated drinks

We see them everywhere  Large delivery trucks pulling up to grocery store outlets or convenience stores, vending machines, cafeteria lines  You name a place and we'll find them as part of our daily lives

From an energy science view the problem is that they are imbalancing for all of us; that is, they produce dis-ease in the physiology 

Why?  It's due to the acidity and recently the Fooducate blog had a nice post on how acidic these foods are

This damaging effect to the enamel of our teeth is a health issue similar to smoking and our obesity  Tooth decay can be related to consumption

I recently discussed the problem of the sugar but the other problem is acidity

The acidity affects the teeth but also over time will begin provoking the stomach and produce heartburn and acid reflux or GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease)

What can we do?

            Limit our intake of carbonated drinks

            Brush your teeth after consumption if we do drink them

            Find substitutes for the"fizzies"

            Notice how you feel after consumption Do you feel gassy, bloated, have heartburn?

            Try not to use ice with the drink

            Educate your children

Until tomorrow                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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