Pork Out If You’re An Athlete!

  Bigstock_Portrait_Of_A_Cute_Pig_2904479 A young man came in to see me about an inflammatory problem in the urinary tract and as we reviewed his bowel symptoms it was apparent that he had inflammatory symptoms there as well

As is often the case inflammation mirrors one another in the two channels since the elimination of the imbalances in the GI tract often takes place through the urinary system

"When I was playing ball in college, I never seemed to have problems  I could eat anything,'' he related  "But now in the last couple of years since graduation, it seems that I'm beginnning to have all these symptoms"

"When you're exercising a great deal, the digestive fire becomes ramped up and so you can get away with a lot of foods that would otherwise cause imbalance," I explained

"Now the digestive fire is less and you begin to experience all the imbalances that were cleared by your strong digestion earlier."

Digestive Fire and Taking Care of Business

When the enzyme system in the gut is strong it can literally deal with poisons just like a campfire with wet logs 

The important thing here is that we will always be challenging our GI tract with imbalancing choices and the way to remain healthy is to make better choices and ensure that our GI system is optimal with respect to its power

How to keep the digestive fire healthy? Here are some suggestions

            Regular exercise

            Occasional juice fast

            Eating according to nutritional format for mindbody makeup

            Avoid poor food combinations

            Avoid ice with water

            Biggest meal at noon

            Use of a churan with meals and cooking

Until tomorrow                                         To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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