Placebos and Lifestyle Behavioral Patterns

Seth Godin in a recent blog post talks about the effect of placebos that I thought is worth underscoring to show the mindbody connection  Energetically, that is

A recent study found that placebos work even if the patient is told by the doctor that the drug they're taking has no 'real' medicine in it


The Power of the Mindbody Connection

If we think we're going to get better, we're much more likely to actually get better

What Godin points out is very much energy science  Since the mind and body are intimately spliced(you cannot separate them mind is body, body is mind since every cell has mind) when the mind says the body will be better, it gets better

But there is another aspect to this placebo effect that is very important nutritionally  It's not only that the mind is saying, "I'll get better", but the body needs to act like it's getting better  Now that's a very important point

Value of Ritual in Change

The body going through what Godin calls ritualistic activities reinforces that which the mind is saying, "I'll get better"  So in fact the action of the body reinforces the mind and the mind reinforces the action of the body  It's a to and fro activity  Both mind and body in simultaniety, one talking and the other acting

So what does this have to do with nutrition? Well, everything particularly when we are trying to change lifestyle  In the book The Secret the statement is made that if we want to change anything in our lives we have to act out as if whatever we want has already happened

If we think we're going to change a lifestyle behavioral pattern around nutrition then by saying and then acting as if it has already happened is many more times powerful than writing it down or creating a positive affirmation

Think AND Act

So the message today?  Create some rituals around nutritional lifestyle behaviors that you want to
change  Here are some ideas
            Hitting the coffee stands?  Try steamed milk instead of adding the Joe
            Carbonated drinks? Try juice instead
            Trying to lose weight and need to move?  Try setting up an exercise time every day
Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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