Calming Influence of Nutritional Monotony

CalmHow about a technique to reduce calories, feel good, feel calmer, and maybe keep in touch with your weight?

Sound too good to be true?  Then read on

Personal Experience

Over the years I've experienced different forms of the same food day in and day  Some people call it fasting, some would just label it a monodiet

It can be done with juices, fruit, or just a simple vegetable dish that we've written about in the past  And it can be done over a few days or weeks or even longer

The point is that it's the same  Maybe a different type of fruit or juice based on my mindbody makeup, but it's still fruit or juice maybe the same vegetable dish but a different types of vegetables

Now my personal observation that I've had with this type of fasting or monodiet is that it's not monotonous 

Monotony is a Product of the Mind

From an energy science medical view the Vata energy pattern is that of movement  Anything that has to do with movement in the physiology is Vata energy and primarily expressed in the nervous system  So a turbulent mind is a Vata aggravated mind  Too many thoughts to process, too many emotions to deal with, too little time to accomplish everything

To say that always having the same foods all the time is boring is simply an agitated mind

And one of the simplest ways to calm the Vata aggravated mind is monotony  Samo samo

Think about it  How hectic would life become if you had to look for your toothbrush, purse or wallet, and carkeys everyday?  Life would become quickly frenetic and inefficient 

Furthermore the mindbody loves habitual living  It's comfortable, less stressful  And in the end I believe we often eat this way anyway  People have their favorite dishes and the routine of eating the same "comfort foods"

Research Supported Nutritional Monotony

Now in the August 2011 American Journal of Nutrition, matter science researchers report on a study where people subjected to the same diets over and over again were observed to consume less calories

And as a opposite to this was a study showing recently that with increased variety at buffets can lead to increased caloric intake! 

A matter science observation (measurement of reduced caloric intake) has been made but from an energy science nutritional view the explanation is that this form of monodiet(loosely called fasting here) is Vata pacifying, that is, it creates more physiologic calming which in turns less food intake

Not because it's boring but because the monodiet is calming

Until next time                                          To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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