Easy to Make Meals Equates to Easy to Digest: A Paleo View

 Apple from free pics

When we prepare foods at home for mealtime, it can take more time to make the meal based on complexity of the menu prepared  Yes, usually when we take the time on the weekends to cook something exploratory in the kitchen, it'll be more complex 

And the observation that I'm making today is that when the cooking becomes complex and involved there is a relationship between the complexity and ease of digestion  There can as a result be more digestive challenges for us  Perhaps along the lines of the Paleo diet view

Classic French Cuisine

Of the years in the kitchen and the evolution of my foray into different cuisines of  the world, my observation seems to hold here

The natrue of the cleanups related to, say the complexities of classic French cooking, required much more time, effort and steps in order to craft the end product than other menus prepared  Dishes, pots and pans, skillets to bring together the ingredients led to more complex dishes to digest because the ingredients themselves were often heavy, cold, smooth, oily, cloudy, and dense qualities all leading to a challenge for the digestive system based on the energy science nutritional system of Ayurveda  A Kapha aggravating like meal

And my observation is not limited to the French but actually any haute cuisine  In every culture there seems to be this relationship between the length of time of production to the digestive challenge that lies ahead for each of us   

The Simpler the Nutrition the Easier to Digest

It almost makes intuitive sense, doesn't it?  I mean it's pretty simple to eat an apple  But digesting an apple is a lot easier than a fettucine alfredo

And then there's something simple and delicious like graham crackers and milk?  Hmmm... milk the complete food along with some grain  Perfect complete meal and great food combination and contrary to what you read easy to digest

Or kitchari?  Aided by spices that are cooling digestants, it's simple to prepare and very easy to digest

Eating Healthy Implies a Return to Nutritional Simplicity

One of the common traits of human nutritional behavior is to develop complexity in almost all facets of life and that includes how we nourish ourselves

Advocates of the Paleo diet stress as the name of the diet implies that we return to the nutritional simplicity of our primordial ancestors 

I would go a step further with this and say that when we simplify our nutrition we actually don't stress our digestive systems and make it easier for our systems to process our foods more effectively and efficiently

And this will bring more hamony and balance to our physiologies

Until next time Ciao                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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