The Difficult Morning Wakeup: An Energy Science Fix

Trouble waking up

"Why do I keep setting the alarm if I'm not going to get up?"

That's a good question and there's some conjecture about how to deal with this Kapha period of the day 

Early Morning:  Qualities of Kapha Time

The time between 6a and 10a is a Kapha period and has the qualities of slow, heavy, cloudy, cold, and static  Our bodies being part of Nature also experience these same qualities 

Is it any wonder that we don't like getting up in the morning?

This relatively inert period of the day can be overcome by MOVEment  It may take some discipline to shut off the mind that insists that the snooze button is a survival tool but in the end we need that Pitta transformational energy to help change the situation

We're Not All Created Equal

We should remember that we have varying levels sleep needs based on our dominant energy makeup and these need to be respected

While Kapha can get by with 6 hours of sleep, Vata may require 7 to 8 hours of sleep(Pitta dominant somewhere in between) based on demand so recommendations for amount of sleep should be taken into this consideration

Exercise programs can be draining on the physiology requiring especially in the beginning more rest for the body  Respect the body's rest requirements as more may be needed until the body is in better shape

Trouble with excessive sleep implies poor energy particularly for VP or PV(Pitta Vata)  Often times this can be addressed by paying attention over time to eating according to our body's energy makeup

Energy Science Solutions

 Try to move toward getting up before the Kapha period begins, ie at or before 6a

"Early to bed, early to rise" Avoid going to bed late  Lights out by 10p for Vata and 11p for Kapha  It's been shown that even when lying awake we are resting  But make a deal that always up at the same time  By and by a new sleep cylce will be established

Get up at a prearranged time without hesitation(remember MOVE)  Don't let mental jargon to lull you back to bed

Stimulate and energize the body(remember MOVE) After out of bed do a three part warm up breath with 1 arms out in front with breath in 2 arms extended out horizontal with the shoulders with another breath in  3 arms overhead with breath in 4 forceful exhalation done with a loud HA(do this in the other room if your spouse is sleeping) with the arms brought down along the sides

Make the bed if you're the last one out

Develop a morning routine  7 splashes of cold water on the face with the eyes open

Resist taking naps during the day

Healthy nutrition with a strong digestive fire will over time will begin reducing physiologic stagnant energy

Life WITHOUT the Alarm

This may sound preposteous but as we become in sync with Nature alarms will become unnecessary

It is very natural for the body to wake up on its on accord as the above process unfolds

Until next time Ciao                                                    To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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