Nightshades and the Energy Pattern of Vata

nightshade flowersA physician friend recently put me onto a website that discusses nightshades and the matter science value of them  The article is long and somewhat technical but  discusses the molecular benefits of nightshades as a group  What I found interesting was that the nervous system impact(or Vata effect) of these foods and how it correlates so well with the energy science

Nightshades:  The Alkaloids and The Matter Science

Nightshades get their name from the fact that the flower during fertilization is bent down like the Victorian lampshades used at night for lighting

The group includes tomatoes, eggplant, sweet and hot peppers, potato both white and sweet, and paprika as a spice  So we can see that this food group has a wide range of usage in our nutritiion

From a molecular standpoint they have a high concentration of a class of compounds called alkaloids that have two significant biological effects  The first is that they interfere with a nervous system neurotransmitter that is ubiquitous in the nervous system  So there is a potential but subtle change in nervous function 

The second feature is that this class of compounds can affect the joint spaces and again even though subtle consistent intake of these compounds in all the varieties of nightshades currently available to us leads to potential imbalances that can affect our health long term 

Nightshades:  An Energy Science Perspective

The energy science of Ayurveda views foods from how they affect the energy physiology and ultimately their impact on the balance they bring or do not bring to the physiology  For example, if a Pitta Vata(PV) eats tomato they increase the qualities of hot, light, sharp/penetrating, rough, dry, liquid, and subtle  Vata is the energy of movement in the energy physiology so this has biologic repercussions for those of us who are Vata dominant

Many of these qualities can have imbalancing effects long term and lead over a period of time dis-ease consequences such as anxiety, anger, irritability, fear, and loneliness due to their effects on the nervous system through the above neurotransmitter effects on cholinesterase  With this example we can see how foods effect the mind not just the physical body, that is they affect the mindbody as a whole

And these same alkaloid effects can produce difficulty in managing joint dis-eases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and gouty arthritis  This is because these same qualities affect energy patterns that affect the joints, causing dryness due to the qualities of hot,rough, light, and dry

The below table helps us understand the nutritional use of the various nightshades from an energy science view

                                                                       Yes                                          Moderation                                     No

Tomato, raw                                                                                                                                                           PV/PK

Tomato, cooked                                                                                                PK                                               PV

Eggplant                                                                                                            PK                                               PV

Sweet peppers                                                                                                PK                                               PV

Peppers, hot                                                                                                    PK                                               PV

Potato, white                                                PK                                               PV

Potato, sweet                                              PV                                                PK

Paprika                                                                                                             PK/PV

How To Interpret the Table

The link provided above comes from and by taking a questionnaire we can find out what our basic biological energy pattern is  With that information we can determine if we are PK(Pitta Kapha) or PV  Then using that we can see where we fit on the above table  As we can see PV should stay away from nightshades as a class of foods  Who would have thunk it? And it is based on the above information garnered from the alkaloid effects on the nervous system and joints

We can also see how PK can use this class of foods in moderation which means 1-2 x/week but as we show not all the time  And then PV can use sweet potato all the time and PK white potato all the time

Both PK and PV should stay away from raw tomato all the time!!  What happened to our salads!!

The Value of Energy Science Nutrition

It is obvious that most of us do not or would not follow the above scheme  But the information is there for any of us who want to be healthier  It's a different biologic paradigm but one that will help improve our quality of life if we so chose 

As in any aspect of nutrition, the choice is ours

Until next time Ciao                                                      To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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