The Cold Quality and Microbrews

I was in Portland having a microbrew with a friend and the conversation drifted to the taste of beer.   Is it better at room temperature or icy cold?   For me personally, I can't taste the hops flavor as well if the beer is cold and the nuances of the after tastes are lessened too.

Here's what's interesting, the energy healing disciplines would totally concur and make the statement that everything ingested should be at room temperature. That indeed ice is not nice. The cold quality actually affects our ability to experience taste well, but also to digest what we are consuming. To put that another way, temperature of food or drink affects our ability to digest not only the taste experience but the food itself.

That's right, energetically we initially digest taste not food. Taste is a collection of vibrational frequencies that we assimilate into our physiologies when we consume anything. Yes, from a matter field perspective we use enzymes to break down the food, but this is a transformation of the food from one state to another. Eventually it becomes a matter field state that we assimilate into our bodies and make heart cells and brain cells from it.

But our microbrew experience led to a conversation about how taste improves digestion from an energy perspective. If I can taste the beer better then my awareness of the liquid and its vibrational frequencies that I am consuming is better. So the nature of the cold quality clouds my ability to sense the beer and its complex vibrational frequencies. If I eat something cold, it's never as good as if it has been heated on the stove. Or if I cook raw food, the taste of the cauliflower becomes much fuller than when it was not predigested by cooking. The tastes of the foods come alive when food is warm.

When the temperature of what I am ingesting is less than body temperature, my taste buds on the tongue don't sense the vibrational frequencies as well. My awareness is not as keen as to what I am eating. My required strength to digest has to be greater and it requires more energy for me to digest the experience. I have to expend more energy to heat the food with my own heat in order to get the full energy experience.

In short, I'm taxing my body over and over again requiring it to heat up my food which expends energy unnecessarily. Now that you know this, go ahead and do your own experimetation. Take a long sip of your favorite microbrew or sparkling water. Then ask yourself: Should it be warm or cold?
Leave a comment and let me know what you think. We'll pick up this topic again in future posts.

'Til next time            To Health as a Skill  Love Dr B

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