The Biologic Energy Field and Death

bigstock-Astral-Projection-51658399At the end of a recent workshop I was talking with a woman about the various ways we can access the energy body  She recounted an interesting story that illustrates how connecting at an energy level can bring about healing and remarkable recovery from even death

Her husband in his 70's and in good health had some mild chest pain and was evaluated at a prestigious US medical center and found to have severe coronay vessel dis-ease  He underwent 4 vessel bypass grafting which went very well  But in going to recovery his circulatory system collapsed  His wife who had become nervous after getting the initial good news eventually found her husband in profound cardiac collapse  The surgeons were completely mystified by the turn of events having no explanation for the matter field medical events they were witnessing

Over the ensuing 13 days he was provided pulmonary support with ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) due to the pulmonary fluid congestion  In effect her husband had died  But in the ensuing days after collapse, this woman decided to maintain an energetic connection and support through various modalities  She looked back in retrospect and is still baffled by what had transpired but she followed her instinct and heart(from an energy perspective these are one and the same) and crafted these modalities

The matter field physicians and caregivers were amazed at the man's recovery They had not ever witnessed such a medical event  They had supported the man with the matter field technology but were puzzled by what had transpired because this man came back from death when he had no business surviving

This story elucidates what can happen when there is merging of the matter and energy field healing sciences  The man had checked out from a matter field(molecular way)perspective but the energy field was still present and was persuaded by another energy field to stick around awhile longer

Presently the field of biologic energy science technology is very new but at the same time very ancient  And I want to be very clear here about what I am calling the energy field  There are many who talk about the energy field using crystals and other modalities that are not grounded on any science  I am not referring to this type of biologic energy technology  This clarity is important or otherwise we will be led astray in our studies and findings

The type of energy science technology that I am discussing here today is grounded on the science of the yoga tradition which has been with us for 5000 years. And I think that if we are going to work with the energy body for healing, we will have to embody for ourselves these ancient systems, not a system that was crafted out of the imagination of someone 50 to 100 years ago. We MUST have some standardization in this process of energy science healing if we are going to apply it on clinical grounds and study it in research

And what does this have to do with nutrition? The same energy science that can sustain life and bring someone back from the brinks of matter field death is the same energy science that gives us the nutritional work to become balanced by the foods that we eat                    Love Dr Bill

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