Medicinal Energetic Effect of Sprouted Grains

sprouted wheatberryGrains are an interesting food group energetically but the one use of grains that is universally safe for all energy constitutional makeups is sprouted grains 

Grains vary in terms of the types that can be used  For example, Pitta Vata can use cooked oats, rice, and pancakes all the time whereas PK would use these in moderation Typically it's recommended to avoid yeasted bread products so flatbreads become the best way to use grains as a form of "bread"

Use of Sprouted Grains

In general the husk of the grain is difficult to digest and requires strong agni Since most people's agni is not up to par it makes the digestion of husked grains difficult to digest For example, brown rice is not balancing for any of the energy patterns due to the husk

White basmati rice is a classic grain without the husk Other grains are usually husked Here's a video demo demonstrating the dehusking process

Another way to deal with the tough husk of a grain is to soak the grain and that stimulates the grain to begin to sprout Sprouting grains is a time honored way of releasing nourishing aspects of any grain The benefits of sprouting are three fundamental aspects: 1) sprouting activates food enzymes; 2) sprouting increases vitamin content, and 3) sprouting neutralizes antinutrients like phytic acid which bind up minerals preventing your ability to fully absorb them

It is the last aspect that is of most interest for those with IC since phytic acid would be irritating and provoking energetically But all three of these benefits are important in terms of improving the nutrition of the foods we eat

So another way to take advantage of sprouted grains is to access available products commercially  The best is a nonyeasted sprouted grain product, tortillas  Nonyeasted products are superior to yeasted grain products because yeast produces gas and heat in the small intestine

The most affordable and commonly commercially available bread source of sprouted grains is sprouted wheat bread

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Strategies to Eat Well on a Budget

bigstock-On-Eat-Sweet-Drinks-And-Fast-F-43210471Ultimately, it is up to us to take control of our kitchens and our lives. The most radical message we can send the food industry – which considers money, not our health in regard to its bottom line – is to prepare our own meals, make the best food selections within our budgets, and reclaim our health.

This does not mean turning bargain food shopping into a second hobby. We are all overworked, overstressed, and overtaxed. Most of us don’t have time to scrupulously compare store prices or cut coupons.

Even so, there are ways of making choices that work within our resources. Here are 10 ideas based on how I save time and money AND create better health for myself.

1 Keep a journal. This might be the most eye-opening experience you will encounter to better budget your time, resources, and money. For just one week, keep a journal of every cent you spend and how you spend every hour of the day. Think of money as your life energy. It represents your time in physical form. How do you want to spend this life energy?
2 Choose three things that give you more money. For example, don’t buy that $2.00 coffee every day — that’s $730.00 a year! Likewise, you might find yourself gravitating to the vending machine daily. You can put that money towards much better use.
3 Buy in season. You will almost always get fresher produce, probably locally grown, for less money, when it is in season.
4 Learn the Dirty Dozen. Not everyone has the budget to buy 100 percent organic, but the more you can, the more you will avoid GMOs and have better health. To learn the most and least pesticide-ridden foods, visit this
5 Frequent discount grocery stores. Search out cheaper sources of fresh, whole foods in your neighborhood. My top choices are stores like Trader Joe’s and shopping clubs like Costco or Sam’s Club, where you can buy vegetables, olive oil, fruits, nuts, canned beans, sardines, and salmon at much lower prices than regular supermarkets or other retail chains.
6 Think about joining your local food co-op. Co-ops are community-based organizations that support local farmers and businesses and allow you to order foods and products in bulk at just slightly over the wholesale price. This takes a bit of advance planning but will save you money.
7 Join a community-supported agriculture program. Buy direct and cut out the middleman. We get organic, mostly seasonal, local vegetables delivered to our house for $55 a week, or a little more than $10 a person for a family of four per week. We don’t always get to choose what we get, but it makes us more creative cooks.
8 Keep some basics on hand. Develop a repertoire of cheap, easy-to-prepare meals. Have the ingredients available at home at all times so you don’t get stuck eating food that doesn’t make you feel well or help you create the health you want. This takes planning but is well worth it.
9 Create a “potluck club”. Have coworkers share the responsibility of making lunch for the group once a week or every two weeks. No more buying lunch out, and you get to eat real, whole fresh food and only have to cook a few times a month. Or create a “supper club” with a group of friends; rather than go out to dinner, once a week or once a month rotate dinner parties at one another’s homes. You will build community and health at the same time.
10 Order staples online. Why pay retail for healthy kitchen staples like turmeric, coconut oil, and almond butter?

Many products can be found on simply putting in what you're searching for in the search bar. Even with shipping the prices are excellent.

This is in part courtesy of Dr Mark Hyman

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Energy Science 8 Natural Remedies for Constipation

In general Vata due to the elements of Space and Air presents when imbalanced as gas  Gas or air when present has the capability of drying  This dry quality tends to be most prominent in the colon and so colonic contents and the lubricating element of the colon get dried out  The contents don't slide along leading to further drying  The result is a slow down of the normal transit time through the colon leading to constipation 

Constipation and Natural Remedies

The energy science of Ayurveda offers a guideline that a healthy functioning state of the colon is a bowel movement first thing in the morning and then a stool 2h after eating  From this definition most of us are constipated to some degree or another

Constipation is a Vata issue and it may be that due to the PV nutritional format(nf)Pitta has risen and is blocking Vata leading to an increase in the Vata energy The nf is never ever the's the shifts, releases, and the imbalances that lead to changes in patterns I would do one or all of the following:
1 Begin using soaked overnight prunes or raisins(can use them as snacks not with meals) or apples bananas peaches pineapple juice based on the nf Toilet roll with constipation
2 Eat more fiber....oatmeal wheat bran oat bran
3 Use triphala(T3) on a every night can make a decoction(5min boil of the herb in cup of water) at night or straight up powder(churna) and wash it down with warm think the churna is superior to tablets(vati)
4 If you get loose with the T3 switch to bhumyamalaki at the same link 3 There is a T3 tincture if your agni is poor at the same link
5 2t of ghee with warm milk at bedtime is a gentle way to help with constipation
6 Castor oil can be used if the constipation is obstinate but not for long period of time as it can cause dependency One way to prevent this dependency is using castor with warm milk at night
7 Boil 1T of flaxseed in 1c of water for 3minutes then drink including the seeds
8 If there is absolute constipation for 3 days, don't use purgatives The better approach is to use basti(medicated herbal enema) to initiate steps of regulating the system You can use T3 tea as described above just more volume with more T3

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The Buzz of Vata

Suprised woman with coloured hair in movementVata, the energy pattern of movement in the energy mindbody physiology, has the qualities or vibrational frequencies of cold, light, mobile, light, dry, rough,subtle, clear  These qualities are important because they help identify the energy of Vata when it is prominent in our physiology.

For example, we have all had the experience of the racing mindbody. The whole body seems to be heightened and energized, that is buzzing or what I am referring to as the Vata Buzz.

When needing to get things done, this type of energy is great to have.

But a couple of observations. Vata Buzz is a sympathetic outflow, that is, it is part of the fight or flight response and when activated for prolonged periods of time can promote fatigue and wasting.

Another characteristic for people who are Vata predominant(more Vata than Pitta and Kapha energy patterns) is that their mindbodies cannot sustain long periods of the Buzz even though they would love to because they love mobility. Those of us like this cannot endure like Kapha and Pitta.

As we might expect certain foods bring on the Buzz. Coffee is the common drink that most associate with the Buzz but any food or drink that produces the mobile, light, subtle, and clear qualities will bring on the symptoms of the Buzz.

How to bring down the Buzz? Create more parasympathetic or peaceful things in life to calm the Buzz.

Eat grounding foods such as root vegetables

Avoid the pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes or just go to and see the PV format

Take a hot tub bath before bed

Get more rest

Do a centering exercise for 5 minutes in the morning before beginning the day

Consider meditation

Recognize that the Buzz is addictive

Until next week     To health as a Skill Love DrBill

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Medicinal Effects of Honey

 Honey with ladleEach of the energy patterns of VPK have specific qualities.... Vata has cold light mobile dry rough subtle clear; Pitta hot light spreading sharp/penetrating liquid oily; and for Kapha heavy slow/dull cool slimy/smooth liquid dense soft hard static cloudy/sticky In the energy science these qualities are universal, that is, they make up all of our observable world, including ourselves
So when the environment is hot our mindbody becomes hot as well and you seek cold for comfort Similarly when you eat food that is hot such as salsa then your mindbody becomes hot The windows to your mindbody's energy field is through its senses of the above qualities Honey is a unique food from an energy science point of view and is far from a simple sweet treat

The Qualities of Honey and Summertime

The energy science of Ayurveda says that everything can be medicine when used appropriately so we need to know about the qualities of honey to use it as food  Honey has qualities that can aggravate each of the energy patterns but is most most appropriate for the slow/dull cool slimy/smooth and static Kapha because of its heating qualities
The hot characteristic of Pitta will be aggravated by honey so PK people should not use honey all the time It also follows that during the hot summer months honey should not be used due to the heat

Guidelines for Honey as Medicine

Since honey has a heating quality it can help with clearing Kapha imbalance Mucous is the signature symptom of either Kapha imbalance or release and the mucous of the common cold is an experience that we can all relate to But when Kapha’s qualities show up in disease you can experience the heavy slow/dull and static qualities
                                                                                Honey guidelines
The best time to use honey is during the cold winter months
Honey and ghee should be used in equal volumes NOT equal weights(toxic if you do)
NEVER cook honey(toxic if you do)
Honey will NOT be heating if used in basti since you’re not digesting it
Use honey in moderation (1 to at most 2x per week during summer)
Don’t use honey with fruit
Honey can be used with herbs to carry it to the lungs or kidneys
Honey is best used in cool mucous Kapha conditions
Honey is best used with warm to hot water

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