Medicinal Energetic Effect of Sprouted Grains

sprouted wheatberryGrains are an interesting food group energetically but the one use of grains that is universally safe for all energy constitutional makeups is sprouted grains 

Grains vary in terms of the types that can be used  For example, Pitta Vata can use cooked oats, rice, and pancakes all the time whereas PK would use these in moderation Typically it's recommended to avoid yeasted bread products so flatbreads become the best way to use grains as a form of "bread"

Use of Sprouted Grains

In general the husk of the grain is difficult to digest and requires strong agni Since most people's agni is not up to par it makes the digestion of husked grains difficult to digest For example, brown rice is not balancing for any of the energy patterns due to the husk

White basmati rice is a classic grain without the husk Other grains are usually husked Here's a video demo demonstrating the dehusking process

Another way to deal with the tough husk of a grain is to soak the grain and that stimulates the grain to begin to sprout Sprouting grains is a time honored way of releasing nourishing aspects of any grain The benefits of sprouting are three fundamental aspects: 1) sprouting activates food enzymes; 2) sprouting increases vitamin content, and 3) sprouting neutralizes antinutrients like phytic acid which bind up minerals preventing your ability to fully absorb them

It is the last aspect that is of most interest for those with IC since phytic acid would be irritating and provoking energetically But all three of these benefits are important in terms of improving the nutrition of the foods we eat

So another way to take advantage of sprouted grains is to access available products commercially  The best is a nonyeasted sprouted grain product, tortillas  Nonyeasted products are superior to yeasted grain products because yeast produces gas and heat in the small intestine

The most affordable and commonly commercially available bread source of sprouted grains is sprouted wheat bread

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