Probiotics and Homemade Yogurt

Yogurt bowlFrom an energy science point of view chronic provoked disease, that is, too much of various energetic  qualities in the body -an imbalance created by the foods consumed So the obvious first step is to reduce those foods that provoke  You can begin by following a nutritional format for you energy constitutional makeup can be found at after taking the test at the site

Yogurt is an amazing food and many ethinic cultures on the planet use fresh yogurt and kefir as health promoting foods in their nutrition And there are very good reasons for doing so but due to the Pitta aggravating nature of yogurt, freshly made is the only way to go in moderation

Helping Restore Imbalanced Agni

The value of yogurt is that it serves when freshly made a rich source of probiotic which is a population of "good bacteria" that reside in the bowel "Bad" bacteria at times overgrow the gut flora leading to poor digestion, absorption, and assimilation so it's important that the good flora flourishes and the bad are kept in check As I've alluded to in the past, bacterial growth is a major part of our digestive strength that needs to be nourished

This is particularly important if you have GERD, IBS, and fibromyalgia associated with IC since the digestive fire is significantly compromised in these dual conditions

Regular use of freshly made yogurt insures that the "good" bacteria are consistently replenished Agni is always compromised in these conditions and since the bacterial flora is part of agni it's important to supplement with probiotic foods such as yogurt SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is commonly thought of as the root cause of many bowel diseases but from an energy science perspective it's just saying that agni is disturbed

You may have heard of yeast overgrowth and this is yet another factor that can lead to poor digestive fire(eliminating yeast laden bread products is a good idea in that it gives us more than we need so flatbreads are best or at least toasting yeasted products) This candidal imbalance in bowel flora much like SIBO is a result of poor agni So building up agni is one of the central therapeutic themes in the management of the IC bladder pain syndrome

Bowel flora is important in the concept of digestive fire and aids in bowel digestive function as well as providing important nutrients for our nutrition

Pasteurized yogurts should be avoided as pasteurization kills off the beneficial probiotic component of yogurt

Making Digestion Easy By Predigestion-Optimizing Digestive Strength

The value of yogurt comes in the predigestion of lactose and casein which we talked about a couple of days ago Hence the bacteria during the incubation phase of creating yogurt use the sugar lactose and break down the protein casein The lactose then doesn't bother the lactose intolerant and the casomorphin derivative from casein digestion can be less, hence affecting us less

Why freshly made? From an energy science view the build up of acidity occurs with aging yogurt even if refrigerated becomes inflammatory and thus Pitta provoking You also get the maximal amount of probiotic in the yogurt(some bacteria die off after 4-5 days)

Even though fresh yogurt is not very acidic(sour taste) it still can be Pitta provoking if used daily Hence home made yogurt has its consumption limitations

So Some Guidelines

1 Based on the food combining list, don't use fruit with yogurt

2 To really inhibit the negative sour effects of even freshly made yogurt, the use of Sucanat or Turbinado(crystallized cane sugars) can be important because the sweet taste helps balance the aggravating sour taste

3 Always use yogurt in moderation, that is, 2-3x per week

4 Store bought and therefore processed yogurt is too acidic and will provoke IC

5 Diluting the yogurt with water reduces its acidity

6 Keeping in the fridge after it comes from the incubation phase will help get the yogurt firmer

7 For best results use whole milk

How to get started

Buy a yogurt maker(Donvier is a French brand or other various manufacturers can be found on Amazon) Using fresh starter each time ensures that the bacterial count of the yogurt will be rich The small amount of starter is not enough to aggravate Pitta

And yes, it does take some time to make your own yogurt but after doing it, in a short time you can do a batch in about 15 minutes(total time; heating the milk and cooling it can be done while doing other things)

If the yogurt is curdly and clearly not smooth in texture it means that there's probably too much cooking going on and that the incubation times are too long So try 10 hours instead of 12 hours with the Donvier

YouTube has several videos on how to make your own yogurt

It's best not to use dry milk powder as the milk product as it is provoking to Vata Pitta

There are links for directions on making your own for trouble shooting

The greatest value is making your own yogurt is that you participate in your own health and this is a small but significant step in assuming responsibility for our health

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SIBO(Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth): 5 Energy Science Solutions

Good and bad bacteriaThe energy science model of dis-ease states that except for trauma every dis-ease or imbalance begins in the GIT(gastrointestinal tract) Since this is the case we can appreciate how important foods become in the evolution of dis-ease and conversely how important foods become in the management and healing of dis-ease  Correct food selection appropriate for own's energy constitutional makeup along with incompatible food combinations become foundational in any dis-ease healing

Short term acute dis-ease processes can be readily corrected over brief(months) periods of time Obviously the longer the imbalance the more likely that other energy science techniques will be necessary to deal with advanced dis-ease conditions This term dis-ease emphasizes that the energy patterns are not at ease or that an imbalance of qualities is physiologically present

The matter science(allopathy, naturopathy) often look at infection as a cause of many diseases Every once in a while you'll see matter science research studies attempt to unsuccessfully or questionably successfully incriminate bacteria in the cause of specific disease Because bacteria are treatable by antibiotics which is a big tool in the matter science toolbox an attempt to incriminate bacteria can be a scientific "home run" These attempts have happened unsuccessfully with GERD(gastroesophageal reflux), rheumatoid arthritis, and obviously IBS

Symptoms of Poor Digestion

Many experience poor digestion but discount it as just the way they are.....but in reality these symptoms should not be ignored  Any unphysiologic food craving is unhealthy and shoud be best avoided  Overeating is abnormal(eating more than 2 handfuls at any one meal) as well as cravings for ice  Post meal digestive problems such as heaviness, bloating, loss of energy after eating, need for naps after eating, diarrhea, and constipation are major warning signs that things are not healthy in the GIT

Matter Science and Small Intestinal Bacterial  Overgrowth(SIBO)

Now the matter science is getting closer to what the energy science has been saying for 1000's of years....the GIT is responsible for all dis-ease But since the matter science model of disease can only hold space for offending insults such as internal(autoimmune) and external(bacteria, parasites, fungus, and viruses) it becomes limited as to seeing the origins of dis-ease Presently the matter science has a new approach to disease seeking an understanding through the alteration in bowel flora

This alteration or better yet described as disruption of normal bowel flora has become known as SIBO where "bad" bacteria overgrow the "good" bacteria is probably not only the small bowel but large bowel as well There are past models that lead to grounding in this kind of disease origin such as leaky gut syndrome and the candidal(fungus) overgrowth theories that have their proof in patient improvement by flora manipulations

Now the current rage for bowel disorder from IBS to systemic disease is to manipulate the small bowel flora with antibiotics(killing off the "bad" bacteria) or better yet "fecal bowel flora" transplants which have seen benefits

Energy Science Understanding of SIBO in Agni Terms

As we have discussed at length in past blogs the bacterial flora of the GIT which is 10x the cellular mass of our own individual body's cell mass is part of a greater concept called agni Called metabolism in matter science terms, agni is not only more user friendly, but as we have talked about in the past, a highly functional and malleable term that is freely manipulative by energy science techniques As a matter of fact one of the main tenets of the energy science that separates it from the matter science is this concept of agni

As we have alluded to earlier, qualities(vibrational frequencies) become disrupted in the GIT and this subsequently leads to an alteration in agni This disruption leads to SIBO but at times gut mucosal changes as well making this look like IBS in some respects

Then if the matter and enegy science models are talking about the same thing then what's the big fuss? Just use the matter science techniques that we have discussed above

Energy Science Solutions for SIBO

There is a general tenet in healing disciplines that the closer your treatment touches the origin of the disease the greater success the healer will have So what's better, to treat SIBO or the cause of the SIBO? If the energy science model tells us that the cause of SIBO is an energy imbalance leading to the SIBO, the best solution is to deal with the imbalance This is not rocket science folks!

1 So what is foundational in healing the bowel? Well from what we said already choosing foods appropriate for you energy makeup and observing incompatible food combinations are support any further manipulation

2 Probiotic It makes complete sense to support the "good bacteria" in the gut so as to improve agni But it's often too much of a good thing at times with probiotic use Find a good probiotic(not necessarily the most expensive)but supplement for 2-3 weeks and then do a break and perhaps another couple of rounds Then done

3   Yogurt as a probiotic As we've discussed in the past homemade yogurt is a great food to use to support the bowel flora Kefir has the potential of carrying yeast along with the probiotic so it's not recommended from an energy science point of view

4  Avoid antibiotics if possible  All that antibiotics do is further disrupt the already compromised bowel flora  If you have to use antibiotics then you should definitely supplement with probiotic or yogurt for a period of time

5  Reduce ama As we have talked about in the past when agni suffers ama forms in the gut and begins to leave the GIT This unprocessed undigested debris which is the result of poor digestion is the basis of all chronic dis-ease

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Medicinal Energetic Effect of Sprouted Grains

sprouted wheatberryGrains are an interesting food group energetically but the one use of grains that is universally safe for all energy constitutional makeups is sprouted grains 

Grains vary in terms of the types that can be used  For example, Pitta Vata can use cooked oats, rice, and pancakes all the time whereas PK would use these in moderation Typically it's recommended to avoid yeasted bread products so flatbreads become the best way to use grains as a form of "bread"

Use of Sprouted Grains

In general the husk of the grain is difficult to digest and requires strong agni Since most people's agni is not up to par it makes the digestion of husked grains difficult to digest For example, brown rice is not balancing for any of the energy patterns due to the husk

White basmati rice is a classic grain without the husk Other grains are usually husked Here's a video demo demonstrating the dehusking process

Another way to deal with the tough husk of a grain is to soak the grain and that stimulates the grain to begin to sprout Sprouting grains is a time honored way of releasing nourishing aspects of any grain The benefits of sprouting are three fundamental aspects: 1) sprouting activates food enzymes; 2) sprouting increases vitamin content, and 3) sprouting neutralizes antinutrients like phytic acid which bind up minerals preventing your ability to fully absorb them

It is the last aspect that is of most interest for those with IC since phytic acid would be irritating and provoking energetically But all three of these benefits are important in terms of improving the nutrition of the foods we eat

So another way to take advantage of sprouted grains is to access available products commercially  The best is a nonyeasted sprouted grain product, tortillas  Nonyeasted products are superior to yeasted grain products because yeast produces gas and heat in the small intestine

The most affordable and commonly commercially available bread source of sprouted grains is sprouted wheat bread

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: An Energy Science Perspective

IBSDigestive fire is a collective term for all the enzyme and bacterial systems from mouth to anus So you can see it has broad connotations in terms of good bowel function and if abnormal potential for poor bowel function

From an energy science point of view irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is a collection of bowel symptoms related to disturbed digestive fire or what Ayurveda terms agni As I have written in the past most people's agni is not up to par The reason for this is quite simple The concept of agni is not even in our health vocabulary 

How would you know about it and hence take care of it if you don't know it exists?

This is a significant problem for the present day health consumer but unfortunately she is duped by the matter science model into believing it is complete Suffice it to say the majority of the population suffers from symptoms of IBS

The Symptoms of IBS

The types of IBS fall into four categories: Vata Pitta Kapha and combination patterns By far and away the latter makes up the majority of those affected by symptoms The most common symptom of IBS is bloating after eating for short or extended periods of time

Many people don't know that they bloat and some who have an exaggerated bloat know it very well Abdominal distention occurs as a result of the gaseous bowel distention Other symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, or a mixture of diarrhea and constipation At times flatulence or excessive gas that may be malodorous may occur

When the Kapha energy pattern is manifested in large degree mucous will be present in the stools but the worst IBS of all is when the mucous becomes dried in the GI tract This creates a marked problem for elimination This latter group of IBS can become severely debilitated professionally, physically, and often emotionally drained due to the chronicity of the disease This is the ultimate in the manifestation of IBS and the matter science has little to offer in such cases

The Creation of Ama

Now the stage is set for the next phase of disease  Agni becomes impaired and due to this undigested food begins to accumulate in the GI tract  The energy science of Ayurveda terms this ama(not to be confused with the American Medical Association)

This ama begins to clogs the lymphatics of the bowel wall leading to malabsorption, food intolerances(aka allergies), and "overgrowth syndromes"(yeast etc), and in children the autism spectrum disorder  As a matter of fact we could simply do fill ama would be part of the disease

In essence IBS goes together with almost all diseases except for perhaps trauma The bowel dysfunction related to disturbed agni is fundamental to the unfolding causative process of every disease in the mindbody even mental disease

Energeticall vibrational frequencies begin to accumulate in the GI tract and then spread to different partsof the mindbody to promote mischief

Treating IBS

So treating any disease requires that IBS is treated as well According to posts there are essentially two levels of therapy for any energetic imbalance in the mindbody The first level is to stop the condition from getting any worse The second level is to remove the offending vibrational frequencies using specific therapeutic modalites that have already been discussed

But one of the integral therapies in IBS treatment is to deal with the cause of the problem.....disturbed agni This is paramount to successful management and since the matter science doesn't even have the concept all bets are off that IBS management will be successful

Many many of the blog posts done in the past have made suggestions about how to promote better agni CCF tea, agni tea, ginger tea are all about promoting better balanced agni Herbs can be very impactful in this regard and it's beyond the scope of this dialogue today to address them

Using a nutritional format appropriate for your energy constitution and avoiding incompatible food combinations can be very helpful in not aggravating the condition In this regard the daily use of churans as talked about in the past is very advantageous

A specific pranayama(breathing exercises) flow sequence can really help impaired disturbed agni by balancing it Dependent on the severity of the IBS other methods can be employed And yoga asana practice has been successfully employed in the matter science literature

As in all energy work however it's not just one thing that creates healing....healing requires a multifaceted approach to bring about real healing

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5 Energy Science Ways to Deal With The Common Cold

When the qualities of Kapha(heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, oily, liquid, dense, static, gross, and sticky/cloudy)  pile up during the winter months the mindbody naturally wants to shed these in the springtime to restore balance(eg too much heavy, liquid, dense, slimy smooth, sticky/cloudy qualites)  If excessive these qualities are released in the form of mucous from the nose and airways(trachea, bronchi)   It is the cool quality of Kapha that gives the name to this condition as the common "cold"

Qualities accumulate due to foods consumed with inadequate digestive fire, foods inappropriate for your body's energy makeup, and incompatible food combinations, with less accumulation due to wintertime's environmental factors,   At other times there can be releases(cold, cough, and congestion) from past years if the individual is moving to higher states of health

Green Is Mean

The color of Pitta the energy of transformation is yellow to green   The excess accumulated Pitta energy pattern is always present with inflammation so when these colors show up in the mucous you can be certain infection is present   On the other hand the color of Kapha mucous is clear or white   If just Kapha release is happening then no antibiotic is necessary

At the first sign of green or yellow mucous you should begin using antibiotics  This is particularly the case when there have been previous bouts of bronchitis or not feeling strong during the wintertime season   Green to yellow mucous implies that the body's immune status working to clear an infection   And it doesn't make any difference if the green appears late or early  For example if the green shows up in the first one or two days of mucous discharge antibiotics would still be the first choice in management   Probiotics should be considered if you begin antibiotics to maintain a healthy gut bowel flora

Reducing Metabolic Load

You've heard of the common adage starve a cold, feed a fever   Or is it the opposite feed a cold starve a fever?  The energy science of Ayurveda can help us here   Since Kapha is a hypometabolic state to begin with, it doesn't make sense to feed it more   The digestive power is compromised  

Therefore it makes sense to starve a cold and feed a fever   Obvously I'm not talking about complete water fasting but doing juices is best eg apple and pomegranite or foods that are Kapha pacifying   So chicken soup with rough(counters the slimy smooth quality) soda crackers becomes an excellent choice for the diet when going through Kapha release but not milky creamy soups

Remember Incompatible Food Combinations

If you are going to use foods be sure that the foods are compatible with one another   Poor food combining can result in congestion and interfere with the Kapha release   It makes complete sense that if you have excess heavy, slimy/smooth, cloudy/sticky being released you would not want to add more of these qualities in your nutritional format   Examples include all dairy(cheees, yogurt, milk) almond milk is OK, nuts(heavy and oily), oils unless light, uncooked foods, heavy grains(oatmeal,wheat, yeasted breads) and of course no sugar   Best to emphasize the tastes of pungent, bitter, and astringent

Buck Up Your Digestive Fire

Because Kapha is heavy, it takes a lot of energy to burn up Kapha molecules so the stronger your digestion through this process of Kapha release the better   Of course the first rule of thumb is don't add any more Kapha molecules to the system in terms of food but at the same time by stoking your central digestive fire you strengthen all the digestive fires in the body including those that are trying to release these heavy qualities  So for example the sweet taste is Kapha provoking so using sugary cough drops makes no sense

I mentioned probiotics above as intestinal bacteria are integral part of the concept of digestive fire   I have covered other nutritional techniques in another post including ginger pickle which is a great way to enhance digestive fire

Herbal Remedies

The best remedy for colds is ginger and using it in combination with cinnamon, cardamom to make teas for a straightforward cold  For colds with a productive cough making teas with dry powdered cloves, cinnamon, dry ginger is useful   These heating spices(herbs) help with warming the cool quality of Kapha

Simple black pepper from the table is good to use since it burns off  the Kapha qualities  Pippali is a great herb to use for the lungs and should be considered when there are repeated bronchitis attacks in an individual's history   Honey is heating and using this with or without ghee(in equal volumes) is useful as tissue buildup(improves immunity) but also aids in the clearance of Kapha qualities  

Just remember you can take all the herbs in the world but if you haven't done anything about your nutritional choices you're wasting your time

Until next time                  To Health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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