Gender Sides of the Biological Energy Field

From an energy view the masculine energy and feminine energy are equally represented the biological energy field.

The matter science has studied this and indeed there is evidence that such gender representation occurs but there is no place for information as this. For example in the developing fetus the gender is ambiguous before 8 weeks; the male has feminine hormones like estrogen and the female masculine hormones such as testosterone; and we are aware of females who have masculine characteristics and men who have feminine traits.

But the energy sciences completely integrate this in the mindbody energy field. The left side of the mindbody is feminine or Kapha; the right side of the mindbody is masculine or Pitta

Kapha has the qualities of cold, heavy, slow/dull, static, soft, oily, smooth/slimy, hard, dense, liquid gross, and cloudy. These qualities tend to slow the energy field movement down and therefore the left side of the mindbody is more prone to symptoms and signs of energetic stagnation or ama. Or for example in a post on varicose veins we would expect more varicosity to be apparent on the left side.

Pitta has the qualities of hot, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, liquid, and oily. Excessive qualities will show up as more of the hot quality but not necessarily what we might expect as a sensory appreciation of such. So inflammation in the organs of the right side of the mindbody such as hepatitis, cholecystitis(inflammed gallbladder), appendicitis, and gastritis would be common examples.

This equality of gender from an energetic view is helpful to explain observations that we do not understand from a matter science perspective.

From a energy science nutrition view foods that emphasize Kapha qualities have their predominating effect on the left side of the mindbody and and those that provoke Pitta the right side of the mindbody.

So diet should be appropriate for a mindbody constitution and not emphasize these qualities if they are in abundance in our physiologies. The key in this process is balance of genders and qualities in the energy physiology. This is not part of the healing jargon in the matter science tradition.

BTW our lifestyle patterns of behavior should play out these selections as well.

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Our Physiologic Energy Patterns-Energy of Stability(KAPHA)

    This is the third of three blogs spending some time discussing the physiologic energy patterns that are observable in the universe and comprise our energy mindbodies.  In the medical energy science of Ayurveda, there are three identifiable energy patterns in Nature. There is the energy of movement, that of transformation and the energy of stability.  All three are necessary for Nature to function and for us as well.  

    Energy of Stability  Kapha is the energy pattern that is necessary for us to maintain form and not have our mindbodies fly off into space.  The qualities of this energy pattern are heavy, cold, slow/dull, static, sticky/cloudy, oily, liquid, slimy/smooth, gross, hard, dense and soft.  These are the vibrational frequencies of the energy field that are most like that of the matter field and  most available to our senses.  Therefore Kapha people are very sensate driven.  They love the tastes and smells of food and are pulled to the sensate experience.  Because of this they are lured to professions such as cooking such as Emeril who is a classic Kapha in his element. 

    Kapha dominant people are very loving, make great parents, and are strong with good endurance and stamina.  They manifest in the matter field as a strong physical frame, big bones and muscles and large body frame.  Celebrities such as Oprah is a classic example of the beautiful regal attributes of this energy pattern.   From the smooth, milky complexion to the luscious eyes, she elegantly shows the grace of this energy pattern.

    Of the three energy patterns, Kapha has the slowest of the physiologies.  Due to this characteristic Kapha does the worst in a culture which caters to the fast life.  When a culture supports a lot of movement the foods chosen to balance this fast lifestyle are literally "fast foods".  These type of foods are Vata balancing which contain as we blogged earlier, heavy foods. 

    Now these "fast foods" are the same as Kapha in terms of the vibrational frequencies.  So heavy foods will produce more heaviness in a physiology that already has a lot of the heavy vibrational frequency.  So we can see very quickly that "fast foods" bringing heaviness to a fast moving society will be very imbalancing to a heavy Kapha physiology.  

  Due to Kapha's heavy vibrational frequency the best balancing foods that contain the light vibrational frequency.  So heavy liquid foods such as dairy, fatty and salty meats and nuts not good choices.  Light foods such as beans, light vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and meats such as white chicken and turkey. 

    Our problems with obesity lie in the fact that we do not understand these simple energetic concepts around this energy pattern. 

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Sloooooowing Down the Eating Process


I found out after lunch today that I was overfilled(an 8.5 on a scale of 10)and reflected on the reason how it happened. Here are some thoughts for us.

We live in a society in which all three biologic energy patterns are aggravated and their imbalances show up in many different forms. The energy pattern of Vata gets expressed in excessive or fast movement. Eating fast because the appetite is strong(Pitta) or enjoyment of the tastes are some of the reasons.

Matter science has nothing(I mean absolutely none)to say about this very important aspect to nutrition Presumably that's because there is such intense focus on the molecules ie omega 3,6,and 9; flax seeds really good; how many supplements is best(after all it is a 3 billion dollar industry!); and of course my favorite, the tomato.

I have heard someone say there is evidence that we digest our diet according to our attention. Whether this is substantiated or not is probably immaterial because whatever is stated in the scientific literature must pass the "common sense" test. This means that scientific statements must be intuitively correct for each and everyone of us.

So tell me how good a driver a person is when he/she is not paying attention? If the person is listening to music, talking to their friend "riding shotgun", and getting a phone call on the new iPhone while writing a note for themselves, the odds are that there isn't much attention paid to driving.

When we pay attention, we do whatever we are doing, better. This is a principle in the energy sciences. Attention is energy and intention is information.

So here's my list to sloooowing down the eating process and bringing attention to the process.

    Close the eyes(may weird people out but they are not enjoying as much as you are)

    Reduce the conversation. Too much leads to "no payo attentiono"(Spanish phrase for lack of attention)

    Do at least one meal a week in silence.

    Don't put more food into the pie hole(my wife's term for the oral cavity) until it is empy from the last food shoveled in.

    Chew 20x before swallowing(may be difficult with soup).

    Put the fork down every once in a while so to give yourself some time out.

Lifestyle nutritional behaviors are more important than dietary supplements.

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Simple and Complete


These are words that describe the energy science approach to nutrition. Simple and Complete

Matter science nutrition is involved with molecules but it doesn't tell us how the molecules interact with each of our own mindbody physiologies.

The energy scientific approach to nutrition provides us the elegance that lies in the fact that we don't need to know anything about the science of energy nutrition. As the commercial says "Just Do It!" The information is there and you don't have to know why.

So just begin avoiding certain foods and favoring others as a lifestyle behavior. Simple

There is a lot of mythology around matter science nutrition and diet. Bananas are good for potassium. Tomatoes are protective for prostate cancer. Cranberries are good for urinary tract infections. Lean is in and fat is out.

The energy science nutrition cuts through all the mystery and myths that surround matter science nutrition because it comes from a deep understanding of the workings of Nature herself. Because of this fundamental concept of energy science, it is the end of the need to know. This is not to say that the explorations of matter science are not without value. It is to say that the energy science gives us the answers to our matter field probings. That's a pretty big statement to make isn't it?

Hence the energy science nutritional approach is Complete.

Simplicity and completeness brings us loss of confusion. It brings confidence and trust in the nutritional system.

So in the end how can we feel comfortable with a matter science system of nutrition that is like shifting sands? Good for you one year not so good the next.

The key to health is to come to the realization that the we are energy fields first and matter fields second. And that the basis of simple and complete nutrition comes at the level of the energy field.

                                                        To health as a skill        Love DrBill

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Have you ever had the experience of eating enough yet still not being satisfied? Usually we begin looking for something to satisfy the feeling in the form of chocolate.

Matter science researchers might invoke psychological reasons or molecular explanations for such a dietary phenom. And these are adequate explanations but incomplete.

An energy science view satiety should be reached by filling two-thirds of the stomach and that is represented by two handfuls. This puts us at about a 6 or 7 on a gas gauge with 10 being full like bursting and 1 being what no American has ever felt like.

And there might be mind issues at hand but it may also be that all six tastes have not been present at the meal.

Satiety or being satisfied after a meal can be directly linked to the presence of all six tastes that satisfy the energetic needs of the mindbody physiology. Sweet sour salty pungent bitter and astringent need to be present and if not, satiety does not exist.

Usually the bitter or alkaline taste is missing.

Milk has all six tastes and hence mother's milk can be life sustaining and a complete meal energetically for baby for months until the nutritional developmental needs outstrip what can be provided.

A great way to insure that all six tastes are provided is to use a churan as outlined at Equal amounts of each ingredient mixed together and then individualize to your own needs by adding more of one ingredient so it's just right for you. Then use it on everything; in your cooking and at the table as a condiment. It becomes once again one of those lifestyle behavior decisions.

But there's more! A churan increases digestive fire and improves the ability to digest and eliminate the food eaten. It balances the GI tract function. Best of all it helps us correct mistakes such as foods that shouldn't be in our diet as well as poor food combinations.

So energetically bon appetit!      To health as a skill     Love DrBill

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