Dry Quality of Pungent

  Hot peppers 12.20.9

Energetically the fourth taste is pungent and this taste along with bitter and astringent are those that help us lose weight when used in balance.

This vibrational frequency pattern of taste is dry, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, rough, and subtle. Pungent balances Kapha's congestive nature with dry, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, rough, and subtle. It increases Vata with dry, light, mobile, rough and subtle. Pitta is aggravated by the dry, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, and subtle qualities of Pitta.

Pungency is common in many spices such as garlic, cayenne, pepper, chili pepper, mustard, and particularly dry ginger. This taste bequeaths food its hot and spicy characteristic. In moderation it stimulates the digestive enzyme system and can stimulate nasal secretions, where Kapha holds its heavy, static, slow/dull, slimy/smooth, oily and gross congestion. But when overused in daily nutrition, it can produce sexual debility in both sexes and can cause diarrhea, acid indigestion, and nausea. Overall it produces inflammation in all its forms when used excessively.

Psychologically this taste begets enthusiasm, vitality, and vigor and helps the mind probe, investigate, inquire, explore, and concentrate. However, when the mindbody is exposed to too much pungency, it will become irritable, envious, jealous, aggressive, and competitive. People who are irritable, impatient, and/or angry should stay away from this vibrational frequency pattern and choose cooling spices.

As always these tastes taken by themselves are not as important as how they are taken in the greater context of eating food. From an energy view the key is that we have all of these tastes available to us. But to know that when we understand the parts of nutrition we see the greater whole of nutrition as well. See foodsheal.com for more information about tastes.

Tomorrow the bitter taste.             To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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