Salt Adds Zest (And Possible Congestion)

Energetically there are six patterns of taste that comprise us and the foods that we eat. These patterns have distinct physiologic effects on us. We have covered sweet and sour thus far and today the salty taste.

The vibrational frequency pattern of salty is hot, light, subtle, liquid, soft, and smooth/slimy. It reduces Vata mobility with its hot, liquid and slimy/smooth qualities; it increases Pitta by the hot, light, and liquid vibrational frequencies; it increases Kapha by liquid, soft, and slimy/smooth. In small amounts salt can produce balance for everyone. (Mineral rock salt is a preferable source because it contains so many other minerals in addition to sodium chloride).

Salt enhances the senses and is anabolic because it aids in digestion, absorption, and assimilation and helps with elimination. In moderation it promotes growth, gives energy, and maintains water and electrolyte balance. When in excess, this vibrational frequency induces fluid (liquid) retention or congestion and subsequent hypertension, as well as causing the blood to become thick and viscous. Hot sensations, hair loss (increased Pitta), and bleeding disorders are among some of the problems associated with this excess vibrational frequency pattern.

Psychologically, the salty taste enhances spirit, confidence, courage, enthusiasm, and interest. An inquiring, probing mind that exhibits creativity can be slow/dulled and depressed without this vibrational frequency. However, in excess, Kapha energy pattern’s unbalanced tendencies begin to appear such as possessiveness, greed, attachment, and addiction. Pitta aggravation in the form of irritability, impatience, and easy frustration can occur. Also like the sweet taste, the salty vibrational frequency is addictive. As advertised in potato chip commercials, "Bet you can't eat just one" is an expression of the addictive nature of this taste.

This is the half way point and important because these first three tastes of sweet, sour, and salty bring balance and harmony to Vata people and cause imbalance for Kapha people. See for more information.

Until tomorrow                     To health as a skill     Love DrBill

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