The Energetic Mindbody Connection

Isn't it fun to notice that getting out and playing with friends changes our mood? That just the simple movement to be with others changes a shift in our mental attitude 

The physical mobility and the lightness associated with joviality changes our psychological demeanor

But there also seems to be a relation between inflammation or hot in the stomach and prostate and impatience and mental irritability

So this relationship between body and mental symptoms clinically seems to go to and fro Mind shifts with body changes and vice versa

Known as the mindbody connection clinicians are aware of this relationship but it is very difficult to understand it from a matter science medical model view

The reason for this is quite simple The mind is not a matter field We can identify the location of the process of thinking but not the thoughts themselves

The mind is nonlocal and defies molecular position But the mind is an energy field and the body is a both a matter and an energy field so at the energy level a merging of the mind and body is possible

The energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha as we have discussed earlier at true psychophysiologic(mindbody) principles that is energy patterns which typify the physical characteristics of the body and at the same time gives us the capability of knowing how the mind will act and react in settings

So in energy science nutrition we now can see how foods can create a turbulent mind as well as a turbulent body, that is one that is in distress or imbalance

Have you ever made any observations about a mind and body connection? Have foods ever produced anxiety or inertia for you? Have you experienced being depressed after eating foods?

Until tomorrow                                                  To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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