Bile and Motor Oil: Conservative Management of Small Gallbladder Stones

BileThe gallbladder is a storage container for bile that is produced by the liver  The formed bile fluid reaches the gallbladder through a series of liver ducts or channels and then stored until needed for digestion,specifically of fats in the duodenum  If substances in the bile fluid reach saturation levels in the bile fluid, then these substances can fall out of the bile solution and collect as debris in the gallbladder  If this debris becomes large enough in volume it can coalesce into small stones usually <5mm  At times the debris and small stones can become much larger stones  Ultrasound is the way you typically find out if gallstones are present

One of the suggested ways to manage small gallbladder stone collection is with a liver flush  As the name implies the liver's biliary system is "flushed" of the old bile in the system and, oh by the way, the sediment and small stones that happen to be in biliary fluid

The Biliary Flush

In the early am take 8oz(1 cup) of olive oil mixed with 4oz of lime juice, 1 clove chopped garlic, and pinch of cayenne pepper 

This combination of these ingredients when entering into the duodenum sets off a mass contraction of the liver's biliary tree as well as the gallbladder itself leading to the forceful evacuation of the gallbladder fluid(bile) along with debris and small stones as well

Replacing Old Motor Oil

Another conservative management of small stones and gallbladder debris is the use of soluble fiber  The fiber helps bind the bile in the small bowel and aids in the elimination of it from the body  If the bile is not eliminated it is recycled and arrives back in liver portal circulation  This constant recycling doesn't allow for new fresh bile to circulate through the liver's biliary system(the old bile will have higher levels of concentrated materials that would predispose to greater chances of debris falling out of the bile solution)

So to clear your old bile or motor oil and get some fresh oil circulating the use of soluble fiber is helpful  If you want to see how soluble fiber works in the GI tract add some water to psyllium and watch is swell into a gel  This is what traps the old bile in the gut

Sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, oat cereal, lentils, apples, oranges, pears, oat bran, strawberries, nuts, flaxseeds, beans, dried peas, blueberries, psyllium, cucumbers, celery, and carrots  Here's a good link for learning more about dietary fiber

To Health as a Skill  DB

The above discussed treatments should be discussed with your doctor to see if these treatments are right for you  For example if your stones are large then a liver flush might send a large stone down the common bile duct that could get lodged and become obstructing producing pain and possible surgical intervention  Or if your gallbladder has signs of chronic disease with scar then this kind of treatment again may not be a good choice

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