Am I Doing Enough?

 Radiant Man

  I am either getting more in balance(healthier) or out of balance(sicker) every day

                                        The choice is up to me

This concept of balance redefines health. That is, I don't have to be feeling bad to be out of balance. I don't have to be checking myself into the doctor's office or hospital to declare myself ill. As a matter of fact, when I get to those points, I have been ignoring for a pretty long time.

Who declares then what the guidelines for healthy lifestyle behaviors are? Is it the matter science medical tradition that we currently espouse to? Is it what we hear on CNN? Is it what we read in the newspaper or in the current bestseller on health? All of the above?

And on what biological model do these experts use? Is it a molecular or matter science medical model? And who is to say that the matter science medical model is adequate for our 21st century health needs?

Or is it time to declare, "Enough!" Is it time to look at a different model? A system of healing that is based on the laws of Nature herself. An energy science medical model?

Then we have guidance as to when is the best time to eat our biggest meal, the healthiest sleep pattern, understanding poor food combining, the balancing foods in diet, observing our control dramas when we are in fear and how these cause excessive eating, and the importance of digestive fire.

This list is incomplete and overwhelming at the same time if we are to entrain with it to improve our health. If this is the case, then am I doing enough to regain my health? You betcha. Being healthy becomes a moment to moment process applying guidelines from

Because it's about BABY STEPS. One small change at a time. We are all capable of that, aren't we?

Then we're doing enough to regain our lost state of pristine health.

Until tomorrow To health as a skill   Love DrBill

But please Pitta don't tell others what to do

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Cancer and Inflammation


Recently I saw a man with bloody urine that eventually resolved. His testing showed reddened lesions in the bladder and the biopsy showed cancer in the specimen.

So I suggested we get more information and under anesthesia the lesions were gone. What happened? Does cancer disappear. Actually the areas were inflammatory and the bleeding had come from a nonbacterial inflammatory conditon of the bladder which produced the observed bleeding.

All cancers in the mindbody are associated with inflammation or the imbalance of the Pitta energy pattern.

And inflammation can produce all forms of conditions that we hear about. Acid indigestion or heartburn, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and elevated PSA. As a matter of fact, any -itis in the mindbody is an imbalance of this energy pattern called Pitta.

So why is this important? Anytime that we find ourselves with a condition of inflammation, we should look at adding an energy nutritional approach to improve the existing condition.

This is an energy science view, not a matter science view to nutrition. The latter has no concept of an antiinflammatory diet. It can't because the model from which the nutritional format comes doesn't have the ability to describe foods as inflammatory. If it tries the nutritional format misses foods that are energetically inflammatory.

Today a concerned mother told the story of her son with an early diagnosis of lymphoma. With the rest of his therarpies he should be on a nutritional approach appropriate for his mindbody energy constitution that would address the nutritional imbalances that brought about the tumor.

Now is this going to cure his cancer. No that would be ridiculous to say. But it will augment the other therapies that he is undergoing and if he makes this a lifestyle behavior change, it can potentially help with his overall health.

This is the value of the energy science approach to nutrition.

See ya tomorrow                            To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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Medications Are Only As Good As Nutrition


My late father in law had a cute habit. Late at night he would saunter into the kitchen, pull out the ice cream from the freezer, and have one or two bowls of ice cream.

After his ice cream soray, he would top it off with a tablet of Lipitor(cholesterol lowering drug). It was his way of reducing the effect of his guilt which kept him in the process of going to the fridge in the first place.

I see this kind of eating rather comical and very common-just played out with different drugs. Eating hot spicy foods then reaching for the tums, rolaids or one of the hydrogen pump blockers such as Nexium, Prevacid, or Protonix.

Or using a diuretic to reduce sodium for hypertension and then eating seafood or salty Chinese food.

Where does this madness end? It begins with the realization that medicines don't heal. Proper nutrition heals.

But what type of nutrition? A method that takes into account your own mindbody constitution. Not the one in which the most favored molecule or food or drink of the day, month, or year is on the food pyramid.

In other words an energy science nutritional approach over a matter science nutritional approach. Wherediet is not defined by the molecule but by who you are energetically.

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Caveat: Supplemental Industry


I recently saw a man who five years ago had been diagnosed with prostate cancer by another surgeon.

He saw some people and decided to try to deal with his diagnosis by nutritional supplements and his PSA used as a marker for disease activity went to less than 1.0ng/ml

It seemed like a success but when he arrived at my door he was having significant symptoms of bladder irritability. His PSA was very high. I took him off all his supplements and his symptoms got better and he got improvement in energy science nutrition although he didn't completely do it. His PSA went to 4 then 7.

He eventually came to prostatectomy and had positive margins and nodes and upgrading of his cancer.

The caveat:  If a person has serious disease supplements will not cure the disease. I know there may be some exceptions to this, but these are exceptional examples.

Healing is not easy work and a supplement is just that. It supplements the diet with what someone may be lacking but it does not do real healing. This is an extension of matter science nutrition which says that the molecule heals and that the pill is where health lies. From an energy science view that simply is not the case.

Supplements are molecules, sometimes not so well understood in their mechanism of action.

So be wary if someone promises you the moon with some supplements.

'Til tomorrow                             To health as a skill        DrBill

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Detoxification Strength and Digestive Fire


The threats. Antibiotics, foods and drink, diet, viruses, environmental poisons.

Yet there are stories of people who have taken strychnine and survived. How could they survive such a poison?

The answer from an energy science approach is that the digestion is so powerful that it can digest overwhelm powerful poisons. Does this sound impossible?

For optimal health we need a strong digestive fire which from a mindbody view means able to digest foods, poisons and thoughts with clarity.

So when fear the environment begin by getting a more powerful digestion and then everything takes care of itself.

Until tomorrow                          To health as a skill      Love DrBill

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